
[ Swatch 試色圖] 外國開架KIKO DOUBLE GLAM 眼線筆

來一個簡單的試色圖.其實在LONDON 買了好幾樣KIKO 的產品.除了眼影之外(已出試色圖,可以按 [ Swatch 試色圖] 外國開架KIKO眼影 eye shadow) ,還有這個DOUBLE GLAM EYELINER (色號: 109).

Here comes a quick swatch blog post! Besides the eye shadow (already have blog post released, please click [ Swatch 試色圖] 外國開架KIKO眼影 eye shadow !), I did buy a few products from KIKO. Here comes the double glam eyeliner (colour :109)!

喜歡這個金色的PACKING, 感覺得高級~! (明明這個只是開架品牌, 我記得價位大約是HK$50.)打開後,可以見到一邊紫,一邊藍. 因為這個DOUBLE GLAM 是雙色的,一頭紫色,一頭藍色.反正我覺得自己都不會用完一枝眼線筆.如此一來, 可以一次過試齊兩種顏色,很不錯~!

I like the sleek golen packaging, it makes everything look expensive & luxurious! The double glam eyeliner is duo-ended. One side is blue and one side is purple. I believe I would not be able to use up the entire eyeliner anyway, I think it is great as I can try two colour at one time!

試色時,覺得這個眼線很軟,很好畫! 這個紫色好美~! 是深紫色帶少許閃粉, 不會太過誇張.上眼後,會有一點啞緻感.我相信用這個做整條上眼線都不會太過浮誇. 而藍色是比較明亮的色系,沒有閃粉,同樣帶有少許啞緻感.雖然顏色比較亮麗, 但在夏天,用這個做上眼線,一點都不過份.不過,如果想小試牛刀,可以放在眼尾或下眼線~!重點是,這個眼線不會暈化~! 我上手後,用手指來回擦拭十多次,都聞風不動.我感覺這個眼線應該持久力不錯!

The eyeliner is very creamy! It glides on the skin very smoothly! From the swatch, the purple side is deep purple with hint of shimmer. When it is set, it gives a semi-matte finish. The overall effect won’t be over powering nor too dramatic. I can totally imagine myself wearing it on my upper eyeline. For the blue side, it is a brighter blue with no shimmer. This side also give a semi-matte finish. Even it is a brighter colour, I can totally use it for eyeliner in the summer time. It can be put in the outer-v or lower eyeline for a more subtle look. I am super impressed with this eyeliner as it WON’T SMUDGE at all! I tried to swipe it away with my finger tips, and it STAY PUT! I believe it would be pretty long lasting!

在香港,真的不知道在那可以買到KIKO. (哭哭….) 假如你去歐洲,真的要到KIKO 的店去看看~!

It is sad that we do not have easy access of Kiko in Hong Kong. If you are going to Europe, please spare some time to the Kiko stores!


[ 敗家 ] 一百日禁敗之買物清單( SHOPPING BAN – To buy / To Do List)

差不多到SHOPPING BAN 的尾聲. 每次寫SHOPPING BAN 都會附上一個to buy list. 我想獨立開一個BLOG POST 去寫一下.(這樣,就可以給自己鼓勵, 叫自己努力捱過禁敗~!)

It is almost the end of my shopping ban!!! (HURRAY~~) Usually, I would put a to buy list / to do list at the end of my shopping ban update. However, the list has grown to such a long list now. That need to be put in a separate blog post!


Please click below link for the latest shopping ban update!

To buy list / To do List

#01 Beauty blender (~HK$400) : 一直都好想試這個神奇的化妝海棉,這個是貴價的東西. 真的算是給自己的獎勵! 而且我買了Beauty blender ,可以與REAL TECHNIQUES 家的做比對. (心中還是有寫BLOG 的魂~!)

#01 beauty blender (~HK$400): I always wanted to try this magical makeup sponge as lots of beauty guru raved about it! If I get my hands on beauty blender, I might do a comparison post between real techniques & beauty blender. ( I am totally devoted to this beauty blog!)

#02 化妝掃(HK$600) : 好想試LOUISE YOUNG / ZOEVA / SIGMA. 如果買,應該會入手一SET, 試一下質地~!

#02 Makeup brushes (HK$600): Louise Young /Zoeva / Sigma. I would like to try some mid-range brushes!

#03 Jo Malone Cologne / TOKYOMLIK perfume (~HK$1000): Jo Malone 是大愛,這個不用說了吧!(可以看看我之前的blog post!) 基本上近一年入手的香水,都是Jo Malone 家的.這個貴婦級香水,真的很令人入迷! Tokyomilk 的香水,沒有試過. 但看到packaging, 覺得很吸引!

#03 Jo Malone Cologne / TOKYOMLIK perfume (~HK$1000): I am totally addicted to Jo Malone!!! ( You may take a look of my previous Jo Malone Blog Post!) I only bought Jo Malone Cologne in this recent year. And I cannot deny its cologne are very addictive! I am pretty interested in Tokyomilk perfume due to its sleek packaing!

#04 Afternoon Tea (~HK$300): 心水選擇為Four Season / Peninsula / The Market

#04 Afternoon Tea (~HK$300): My target are Four Season / Peninsula / The Market

#05 Liquid Foundation (~HK$250) : 想試bourjois HEALTHY MIX 及買回REVLON COLOUR STAY ( 之前買過,但用了兩次就不小心摔破了.幸好是開架品牌,不然會更心痛~!) 本來有點想買專櫃的,但我相信,要等下次SOGO 感謝週年慶了!

#05 Liquid Foundation (~HK$250) : Want to try bourjois Healthy Mix and might be buy Revlon Colour Stay ( I had one before but it was broken and shattered everywhere….) I wanted to try some high-end brands too, but I think I would wait for next Sogo sales event!

#06 Loose Powder / Compressed Powder (~HK$500) : 心中想買LUNASOL LAURA MERCIER. 重點是要控油及沒有閃粉珠光~!

#06 Loose Powder / Compressed Powder (~HK$500): I wanted to buy Lunasol (used it before and liked it) or try Laura Mercier (totally new products to me). Anything with oil control purpose and no shimmer are welcome~!

#07 Flats / sneakers (~HK$500) : 有點兒想買TOMS CONVERSE . 想買一對舒服的FLATS, 平常行街可以穿~! (可以提升戰鬥力~!)

#07 Flats / sneakers (~HK$500) : I might go for a pair of TOMS or Converse, anything comfy would be nice. I totally need to wear flats for daily wear.

#08 Makeup base (~HK$200) : 想買LAURA MERCIER MAKEUP BASE (不過不想MISS 了優惠, 所以同樣要等年底的SOGO感謝週年慶 / CHRISTMAS). 但因為手邊的MAKEUP BASE 都差不多用完,所以應該會買SOFINA LONG KEEP BASE 代替~!

#08 Makeup base (~HK$200) : I always wanted to try Laura Mercier ( However, as I am gonna missed the Sogo Sales, I need to wait for next event too) As most of my makeup case are almost gone, I might buy Sofina Long Keep Base as to survive the hot summer.

#09 眼霜(HK$600) : 想買BOBBI BROWN 的眼霜.不竟,年紀大了, 感覺眼周需要更多保護. 之前用過BOBBI BROWN ,感覺不錯~!

#09 Eye Cream (HK$600) : Eye cream is totally the savior for mature skin. As I am getting more mature now, I feel like I need more protection around my eyes. My target for eye cream is Bobbi Brown.

#10 精華(HK$500) : 想試KIEHL’S MIDNIGHT RECOVERY. 同樣, 因為中女之齡, 但又用不起ESTEE LAUNDER, 友人用過KIEHL’S, 說是不錯.所以,可以用一用~! ( 應該會叫朋友幫手在美國買給我, 價錢大約是香港的85, 更便宜哦~!)

#10 Serum / Essence (HK$500) : Wanted to try Kiehl’s midnight recovery ( I consider it maybe a affordable version of Estee Launder Advanced Night Repair!?) My friend used the Kiehl’s before and she recommended. I think I might need my friend to buy me from US, which is cheaper than it in HK!

#11 SNAIL WHITE(HK$350): 正在用,感覺不錯. 所以想回購~! (之前寫了一個BLOG POST, 請按HERE   )

#11 Snail White (HK$350): I am using this whitening cream and think it is pretty nice. Totally want to re-purchase! ( There is a blog post about this snail white cream too! Please click HERE )

因為有許多東西想買,我覺得應該要為自己SET 一個BUDGET. 我相信HK$3000 應該是一個合理的預算. (可能對很多人來說,HKHK$3000 的化妝品好像太瘋狂, 不過以我作為一個beauty addict, 真的不算太多~!) 以上的清單,一定會超支! 所以我會努力再FILTER 一下, 不會全部都買~! (如果全部都買,要花個五六千….)

I can’t believe I am drafting such a long list! I think I am gonna set a HK$3000 budget for my reward! ( HK$3000 might sound a crazy fortune to some of you, but I am a beauty addict, this is not a large amount for me…) I believe I need to filter my shopping / to do list as the above item would cost approx. HK$6000!

[ 敗家 ] 一百日禁敗( SHOPPING BAN ) UPDATE (卷九)

一百日之內,不可以買化妝品護膚品及衣服~ (免費試用,禮物,手信則例外)
完成一百日後,可以有獎勵! (已經有一個長長的SHOPPING LIST!!!)
假如我在SHOPPING BAN 期間犯規每花HKHK$100, 就得延長我的SHOPPING BAN 一天.

No purchase of makeup, skincare and clothes for 100 DAYS! ( Free sample , gift from friends are allowed).
Re-purchase of stuff is allowed only if NO substitute of certain kind of products.
I would give myself a big treat after the shopping ban! (I already draft a long shopping list as shown below!)
If I ever break my shopping ban rule, for every HKHK$100 I spent, I need to extend my ban by one day.

開始日: 2015223  (Start date: 23 FEB, 2015)
結束日: 201563 (End date: 03 JUN, 2015)
結束日: 201565 (End date: 05 JUN, 2015)
結束日: 201567 (End date: 07 JUN, 2015)

早前禁敗update (Previous Shopping Ban Update!)

526 (26th May)

又過了一個星期, 要分散自己的注意力,所以要努力著眼於SHOPPING BAN 後的獎勵! (這樣才有動力嘛~!)

It is almost the end of my shopping ban!!! (HURRAY~~) I totally need to distract myself from any spending! That’s why I try to focus on making my to buy list! That gives me motivation to survive through this shopping ban!

看看我家中的SKINCARE STASH. 我覺得應該要再來多一個SHOPPING BAN ! (真的不好意思給大家看我的存貨….) 不過經過80 天的SHOPPING BAN, 我覺得這個方法不能持久.我覺得即使買東西都要有PLANNING,不能再有這麼多IMPULSE SHOPPING. 所以應該要由不消費轉做低消費”. 每個月給自己QUOTA 去買SKINCARE / MAKEUP.這樣,就可以免掉SHOPPING BAN ,”放監買得更兇.或者,採用一個ONE IN – ONE OUT POLICY, 用完一樣產品,方可以買一樣新產品.這樣,就可以逼自己更努力用光身算的產品!

I have spent some time to look through my skincare stash. I think I totally need another shopping ban. ( I am too ashamed to post my skincare inventory on my blog now…..) After 80 days of shopping ban, I realize the shopping ban is not a sustainable stuff. I think I should change my shopping habit, more planning and less impulse shopping. I also feel like to should change from NO spending to LOW spending. Maybe I should give myself monthly quota for buying any skincare / makeup items. Or I might adopt the one in- one out rule. I am only allow to buy new stuff when I used up a product. (In that way, it motivates me to finish my products!)

這次,來一個真的,長長的TO BUY LIST! 因為太長了,所以分開寫在另一個BLOG POST, 可以按下面的連結~!

Here comes a LONG To buy list / To do List after my shopping ban! As it is too long, I am gonna put it in a separate blog post! Please click below link to view it!

[ 敗家 ] 一百日禁敗之買物清單( SHOPPING BAN – To buy / To Do List)