一天飲夠8杯水是很重要的. 我一天可以飲到8杯水, 但當中茶/咖啡佔了6杯以上.所以, 牙齒少不免會有點黃….這個美白牙貼是我貪新鮮在首爾旅行時在OLIVE YOUNG買的, 記得價位大約是HK$60一盒,比起在香港買到的便宜許多.(本來沒有打算寫短評, 因為感覺這個便宜的東東,都未必有效.)但用上了兩天,感覺白了一點.立即托友人再買~!
8 glasses of water
a day is one of the key to beautiful skin. I am able to take 8 glasses of water
everyday, however 6 of them are tea / coffee. I notice my teeth got stained a
little bit and look pretty yellowish. I bought this Claren teeth whitening pack
at Olive Young Store at Seoul last winter. The price point was pretty
affordable, it was around HK$60. Compared to those available in Hong Kong, it
is almost one-fifth of the price! I was not planned to write any review on this
as I did not expect any dramatic whitening effect from such an affordable
product. However, I was able to see visible whitening result after 2
consecutive days usage! ( I already asked my friend to buy more for me during
her trip to Seoul during late May)
我入手的是這個樣子的, 如果大家上G MARKET,可能找到不同樣子/ 升級版.但我相信用法大同小異.打開後,會有說明書(全泡菜文….), 一個美白計及8片美白牙貼. 我上網爬文看到用法如下: 打開牙貼,缺口位向著牙肉,對正中間,貼好~!貼上一小時就可以撕走, 之後要刷牙.撕走後,覺得牙齒有點黏黏的,所以要刷牙. 要連續使用,方可以見到效果~!(用法很方便, 美白貼可以緊貼牙齒.我是上下排一起貼,一盒8片可以用4次.)
This is the version
I got and there are lots of different version when you browse on G market.
There is a instruction guide leaflet (all in Korean…..), a teeth whitening
scale guide and 8 pieces of the tooth whitening pack. I learned the application
from some internet blog post. When you open the tooth whitening pack, follow
the sticking direction (avoid touching your gum). Firmly pressed the pack
towards your tooth to make sure there is no air bubble. Wait for an hour and
remove. Brush your teeth after removing the whitening pack. (There would be
some sticky feeling on your teeth after removing the pack. I guess there’s why
I have to brush my teeth afterwards.) It is suggested to use for consecutive
days. I think it is pretty user friendly and easy to use. I use the whitening
pack on both upper and lower part of the teeth so it make total 4 day treatment.
第一天量度,我覺得自己大概在8-10 的亮白度.用了兩天之後,明顯覺得亮白了! 這兩天都有飲咖啡, 不過是一杯起,兩杯止.有人COMMENT說用了之後牙齒酸痛 / 敏感, 不過我沒有這個感覺. (我本身是輕微敏感性牙齒,用了這個之後,敏感的感覺沒有加劇~!)
Before the
treatment, I think my teeth is at 8 – 10 scale. I believe there is visible
effect after 2 day usage! ( I had 1 to 2 cups of coffee during these 2 days but
no tea consumption.) I saw some of the people would complained that this
whitening pack made them has sensitive teeth / gum. However I did not find such
side effect. ( I have slightly sensitive teeth and I did not find my situation
go worse after using this product)