一百日之內,不可以買化妝品, 護膚品及衣服~ (免費試用,禮物,手信則例外)
當然, 用完的東西, 而又沒有代替品的,就可以補買~~~
完成一百日後,可以有獎勵! (已經有一個長長的SHOPPING LIST了!!!)
假如我在SHOPPING BAN 期間犯規, 每花HKHK$100, 就得延長我的SHOPPING BAN 一天.
No purchase of makeup,
skincare and clothes for 100 DAYS! ( Free sample , gift from friends are
Re-purchase of stuff is
allowed only if NO substitute of certain kind of products.
I would give myself a big
treat after the shopping ban! (I already draft a long shopping list as shown
If I ever break my shopping
ban rule, for every HKHK$100 I spent, I need to extend my ban by one day.
開始日: 2015年2月23日 (Start date: 23 FEB, 2015)
結束日: 2015年6月7日 (End date: 07 JUN, 2015)
早前禁敗update (Previous Shopping Ban Update!)
5月26日 (26th May)
又過了一個星期, 要分散自己的注意力,所以要努力著眼於SHOPPING BAN 後的獎勵! (這樣才有動力嘛~!)
It is almost the
end of my shopping ban!!! (HURRAY~~) I totally need to distract myself from any
spending! That’s why I try to focus on making my to buy list! That gives me
motivation to survive through this shopping ban!
看看我家中的SKINCARE STASH. 我覺得應該要再來多一個SHOPPING BAN 吧! (真的不好意思給大家看我的存貨….) 不過經過80 天的SHOPPING BAN, 我覺得這個方法不能持久.我覺得即使買東西都要有PLANNING,不能再有這麼多IMPULSE SHOPPING. 所以應該要由”不消費”轉做”低消費”. 每個月給自己QUOTA 去買SKINCARE / MAKEUP.這樣,就可以免掉SHOPPING BAN 後,”放監”買得更兇.或者,採用一個ONE IN – ONE OUT POLICY, 用完一樣產品,方可以買一樣新產品.這樣,就可以逼自己更努力用光身算的產品!
I have spent some time to
look through my skincare stash. I think I totally need another shopping ban. ( I
am too ashamed to post my skincare inventory on my blog now…..) After 80 days
of shopping ban, I realize the shopping ban is not a sustainable stuff. I think
I should change my shopping habit, more planning and less impulse shopping. I
also feel like to should change from NO spending to LOW spending. Maybe I should
give myself monthly quota for buying any skincare / makeup items. Or I might
adopt the one in- one out rule. I am only allow to buy new stuff when I used up
a product. (In that way, it motivates me to finish my products!)
這次,來一個真的,長長的TO BUY LIST! 因為太長了,所以分開寫在另一個BLOG POST, 可以按下面的連結~!
Here comes a LONG To
buy list / To do List after my shopping ban! As it is too long, I am gonna put
it in a separate blog post! Please click below link to view it!
[ 敗家 ] 一百日禁敗之買物清單( SHOPPING BAN – To buy / To Do List)