由於在近幾個月去了太多旅行,買了不少戰利品. 所以是時候又來禁敗一下…
As I have been travelling too much lately, I have bought tones of beauty products and spent a fortune. I believe its time to hold on a bit and stop to shop.
一百日之內,不可以買化妝品, 護膚品及衣服~ (免費試用,禮物,手信則例外)
當然, 用完的東西, 而又沒有代替品的,就可以補買~~~
不過相信以我的BACK UP 存貨. 相信可以捱到一百日!
完成一百日後,可以有獎勵! (尚未想到有甚麼獎勵…….)
No purchase of makeup, skincare and clothes for 100 DAYS! ( Free sample , gift from friends are allowed).
Re-purchase of stuff is allowed only if NO substitute of certain kind of products. Indeed , I believe I am able to sustain for 100 DAYS without any purchase with the piles of backup at home.
I would give myself a big treat after the shopping ban! (um…. I am still thinking my treat~)
開始日: 2015年2月23日 (Start date: 23 FEB, 2015)
結束日: 2015年6月3日 (End date: 03 JUN, 2015)
同時,我會不停期UPDATE 一下進度. 但大家放心, 我的BLOG還是會不停出文.
因為去旅行的買的東東, 試色圖, MINI REVIEW 還是可以寫的~ 哈哈~
You don’t have to worries about no blog post during the shopping ban period. I would start to share my haul item, review my recent purchase, doing swatch, etc. There shall be lots of exciting new blog post in coming weeks! In addition, I would be giving update on the shopping ban in a completely honest approach. ( feel free to scold me if I have loss my mind and did some shopping during this period….)
P.S. Wish me luck!