
旅行化妝袋一覽。My travel makeup bag!

對於每天都要化妝的美妝客來說, 旅行真的是一個大挑戰. 說真的,真想把所有化妝品都一拼放進行李箱內.有時候會以為有備無患, 但事實上,真的只是帶了許多無謂的東西.(點頭舉手!!)

For every beauty guru, we would panic when we are going to travel. We literally want to throw EVERY SINGLE THING into our travel makeup bags. Some of us tends to over-packed. (I did over-packed too!!!)

經過好幾次去旅行的經驗,發現真的帶了許多東西最後都沒有用上. 真的令我明白旅行化妝袋真的不用帶太多東西,合用即可.而且有時舟車勞頓, 好易會把心愛的PRODUCT 弄碎.而且, 太多沒有用過的化妝品只會白白佔據珍貴的行李箱空間~

After several travel experience, I realized I have been OVER PACKING! And that’s certainly not healthy to over-pack. Since some of the makeup products are fragile and may break / damage during the travel process. Nevertheless, the makeup occupies the precious luggage space!

經過最近幾次去旅行的試驗,我終於可以成功把我的旅行化妝包由2個變成1 ! (當中不包括化妝掃或工具).可以看看下面.

I am now being successfully to cut down my travel makeup bag from 2 pouches into ONE! (excluding the brushes / tools) I am here to breakdown my travel makeup bag one by one!

1)  打底霜Base/ Primer:
以有防曬或有調色功能為首選.如果帶有膚色, 就更完美了!
Stick with those base / primer SPF or colour tuning function. Sometimes, I will choose some with tinted

2)BB Cream:

BB Cream 有一定遮瑕程度,而且多數為TUBE ,比起玻璃瓶粉底液更易攜帶.(假如我想帶粉底液,我會把它分裝到其他小器皿入面,那就更省位置了!)
I usually use BB cream to avoid brining foundation with heavy glass bottles (if you wish to bring foundation, you might depot it into contact lens cases or other suitable containers to save up spaces too!)

3) 遮瑕膏 Concealer:
我的黑眼圈/ 暗瘡印 / 泛紅 等等,都是要用遮瑕膏的!
My Saviour to cover my under eye / acne scar / redness and others flaws

4) 粉餅Compact powder:
Use compact powder to replace loose powder helps you to reduce chaos

5) 眉筆()Brow product:
Groomed brow make me more put together.

一般只會帶一個胭脂, 最多會帶兩個不同色系的.
Usually just one blush and limited to maximum of 2 blushes in different shades

7) 眼部打底霜Eye primer:
No eye shadows can survive on my super oily lid without eye primer!

8) 眼影Eye shadow:
以往習慣帶一個大眼影盤.現在, 如果只是去短旅行, 只會帶一個四色眼影加上一兩個單色眼影.
I used to bring larger palette, but if I am going for some leisure travel. I usually bring a quad and some singles

9) 唇部產品Lip products:
Max. 2 lip products in different shades

10) 護唇膏 Lip balm:
NUXE 的護唇膏是近期大愛, 晚上可以厚塗成為TREATMENT.
Nuxe lip balm is my Holy Grail lip balm at this moment! I would put generous amount at night time as a lip treatment.

11) 眼線Eyeliner ( 忘記拍照!!! / forget to put take photos of this product)
Quick way to awaken your eyes!

相信不同人會有不同化妝需要, 但以上這些產品已經可以我一個SELFIE LOOK .
TADA! These products helps you to do pretty decent look for selfies! 

