
[ 敗家 ] 一百日禁敗( SHOPPING BAN ) UPDATE (卷八)

一百日之內,不可以買化妝品, 護膚品及衣服~ (免費試用,禮物,手信則例外)
當然, 用完的東西, 而又沒有代替品的,就可以補買~~~
完成一百日後,可以有獎勵! (已經有一個長長的SHOPPING LIST!!!)
假如我在SHOPPING BAN 期間犯規, 每花HK$100, 就得延長我的SHOPPING BAN 一天.

No purchase of makeup, skincare and clothes for 100 DAYS! ( Free sample , gift from friends are allowed).
Re-purchase of stuff is allowed only if NO substitute of certain kind of products.
I would give myself a big treat after the shopping ban! (I already draft a long shopping list as shown below!)
If I ever break my shopping ban rule, for every HK$100 I spent, I need to extend my ban by one day.

開始日: 2015223  (Start date: 23 FEB, 2015)
結束日: 201563 (End date: 03 JUN, 2015)
結束日: 201565 (End date: 05 JUN, 2015)
結束日: 201567 (End date: 07 JUN, 2015)

早前禁敗update (Previous Shopping Ban Update!)

515 (15th MAY)

SOGO 感謝周年慶開始了! 看到朋友在FACEBOOK PO 了人山人海的照片, 不同品牌的PROMOTION. 真的很。吸。引!所以我打算這段時間不會去CWB / TST ~! (堅定~!!) 其實反正SOGO 感謝週會在每年的5月及11 月進行, 即使錯過了這一次,還會有11月的~! 加油~!

Sogo Thankful Week Sales has just start!!! I saw some of my friend post the crowded scene on facbook, and lots of good deal leaflet from the beauty brands. Those are so TEMPTING! To avoid spending any money on the beauty stuff, I will refrain myself from going to CWB / TST area! (So I won’t go into the Sogo Department Store!) Actually, there is 2 sales events from Sogo every year, one in May and another in Nov. I am gonna put all my hope into the next thankful week sales!

但是,沒有想過我可以逃得過SOGO THANKFUL WEEK (其實只是幾天,逃不逃得過還是言之尚早…..). 但就逃不過ANNIE’S WAY 果凍面膜.萬寧275, 看到這兩個功能都是我想用的.就入手了熊果素玻尿酸淨白果凍面膜 及金盞花親膚柔嫩果凍面膜!(待會可能會有短評~!留意一下吧!)2 ,75折後是HK$198. 對的對的, 我的SHOPPING BAN 又要EXTEND 兩日了. (希望這兩件產品真的值得我為它們犯禁吧~!)

Indeed, I was not able to stop myself from buying beauty stuff! I went to Mannings and saw a good deal on Annie’s Way Jelly Mask, 25% off when you purchase 2 pieces of above. Therefore, I went ahead and bought 2 pieces! I bought Hyaluronic Acid Brightening Jelly Mask and Calendula Softening Jelly Mask. ( It means I might gonna write mini review about these products, STAY TUNE!) After the 25% off deal, it is HK$198 in total. (Isn’t it a good deal!) And I know, I am gonna extend my Shopping Ban for 2 more days. ( And I truly hope these products are worth to extend my shopping ban!)

To buy list / To do List
Beauty blender
化妝掃 (Makeup brushes)
Jo Malone Cologne / TOKYOMLIK perfume
Afternoon Tea
*New* Liquid Foundation
*New* Loose Powder / Compressed Powder
*New* Flats / sneakers

*New* Makeup base

