
[ Brand Focus 品牌直擊] Soap & Glory – Body product 身體篇

我相信許多人去旅行都會買一些當地獨有的品牌. 但許多時候都不知道是否好用. 今次我想講一下香港沒有的品牌 - Soap & Glory. 假如大家有興趣,到有BOOTS 的國家, 例如泰國 / 英國可以入手一試. 很喜歡Soap & Glory 這種玩味, PIN-UP GIRL 風格的包裝. 全部都好美~!

For beauty guru, we craved to buy some local brands / product which cannot buy at home country. ( I know I am not alone as a shopaholic, isn’t it!?) Today I am going to talk about Soap & Glory body products, those are hard to find in Hong Kong. If you wish to buy S&G products, go to BOOTS shops in Thailand / UK. By the way, I am pretty obsessed with those pin-up girl image packaging of S&G products. They are GORGEOUS!!!

身體磨砂, 有一陣檸檬/ 青檸清香的感覺, 磨砂粒子是以糖為主,再加上啡啡的顆粒 (我覺得是果仁粉粒…!?), 整體感覺, 磨砂粒子較大.這個身體磨砂質感厚實,傾向膏狀, 不過推開後覺得比較鬆散,我個人來說不喜歡這種CONSISTENCY. 效果不錯,用後算有輕度滋潤感不緊繃.

It is a body scrub with sugar base and lime / lemon / citrus scent. This is sugar base with some brown scrubbing bits ( I guess those are nuts shell…?) The scrubbing particles are pretty large. The scrub is in a paste-like consistency. However when you spread out, it turns into a strange texture. I feel like I cannot spread out / scrub evenly over my body. I love the scrubbing effect but not a fan of its consistency. After using the scrub, I feel my skin silky smooth and it is not drying at all! 


這個身體磨砂質地似洗面膏 (可能因為這個是白色及會起泡泡, 令我聯想到洗面膏), 氣味是有點GIRLY 的香味.這個磨砂粒子是以SCRUBBING BEADS 為主(我相信是比較不天然的東東了), 但磨砂粒子較小.喜歡會起泡的感覺, 其實都是一點點起泡, 不會似洗面膏 / 沐浴露一般誇張.用後清爽,冬天會有點小乾.

This body scrub looks like a cleansing foam to me! (maybe due to its consistency and foaming effect). The scent it pretty girly. The scrub is using scrubbing bits which is not on the natural side ( I believe). I love the foamy property as I think it is able to remove more dead skin. (The body scrub is able to leather up a bit, not as bubbly as cleansing form / shower gel). It is perfect for the summer weather as it is less moisturizing.

最最愛這個香氣,有點後悔只買了TRAVEL SIZE. 這個香氣叫MIST YOU MADLY, 近花果香氣~! 這個磨砂,打看可以見到糖粒及粉紅色的磨砂粒子. 這個磨砂質感厚實,傾向膏狀, SUGAR CRUSH BODY SCRUB 有點相似.但推開後比較乾身,但有油潤感.用後香氣好持久(大約3-4 個小時)~! 讓人心情很好~!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this fragrance, and I totally regret only purchase the travel size…This fragrance is called Mist you Madly, a floral-fruity scent. The scrub is sugar base with pink scrubbing bits. The consistency is pretty much like the Sugar Crush Body Scrub, it is a paste-like texture. However, I love the texture after blending as it is dryer in texture. Indeed, I feel there is some essential oil base in this product so it is not drying at all. Nevertheless, the fragrance is able to last for 3-4 hours which is pretty impressive!

這個忘了拍大合照…. 同樣是MIST YOU MADLY 的香氣. 這個質感是近牛油狀,但是很易推開及吸收. 用後很滋潤, 可以LAST 到大半天.同樣香氣很持久, 用了這個,可以代替香水~! ~!

I forgot to put this product in the product shot. This is a body butter with Mist you Madly scent. The texture of this product is pretty buttery ( on a harder side). It is easy to blend and absorb into the skin. It leave the quite long lasting fragrance as well as moisture effect. This body butter can totally replacing your daily fragrance!

這三個磨砂產品都很好用.只是有不同的質地及香氣.對我來說,三個的磨砂效果都相當好. OVERALL, S&G 的產品都沒有讓我失望. 大家有機會可以試試看~! 另外,如果你有興趣買Soap & Glory 的化妝品. 可以按以下的品牌直擊文章!

I am pretty impress about the performance of the body scrub. Those are with good scrubbing effect, just varies in fragrance and consistency. Overall, S&G products are in high quality and didn’t let me down. If you have a chance to shop for S&G product, just be bold and try. You won’t be disappointed! If you wish to check out another blog post about S&G makeup product review, click below link!

[ Brand Focus 品牌直擊] Soap & Glory – Makeup 化妝品篇

