
[ MINI REVIEW 短評] 平價版EVE LOM!? - Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish

因為之前爬文, 說這個CLEANSER 是平價版 EVE LOM. 小資女當然心動,想試一試平價版! 同時, YOUTUBER Elizabeth Yeoung 都有推介. 所以在LONDON 時便決定入手一試!

I have heard a lot of good things about Liz Earle. Some review even mentioned that Liz Earle is compactable with Eve Lom. With a fraction of price, you are able to get the effect of Eve Lom!? I doubt but I think it’s worth trying.


買了CLEANSE & POLISH, CLEANSER本身是企身的膏狀, 乾手乾面,用於面, 頸及眼部, 按摩一下. (不會起泡的) 你會慢慢感覺到它會慢慢溶解彩妝及臉上的污垢. 之後把附贈的MUSLIM CLOTH 濕溫水. 再輕輕抹走 (使用MUSLIN CLOTH 可以達到溫和磨砂的效果喔!) 因為是帶CREAMY的質感, 用後臉部不會緊繃. 但真的要注意慢慢按摩, 及要仔細清洗.

Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish is a TWO-STEP cleanser. It is a non foarming creamy textured balm. I would massage on my dry face, neck and eye. Really work it in to break down the makeup and remove impurities on my face. Afterwards, soak the muslin cloth in the lukewarm water and wipe off the cleanser. The texture muslin cloth and wiping motion help to gently exfoliate the skin. Since it is in cream texture, it would not dry out my skin. My skin also feels soft after using the cleanser!

我一般用在早上用, 因為覺得效果溫和. 冬天時配上溫熱的MUSLIN CLOTH,更是一絶~ 好幸福!!!

I love using this cleanser in the winter morning for gentle cleansing. The massage and warmth from the muslin cloth make me feel like having a spa!

官網說可以用於卸妝, 甚至是MASCARA. 我們可以做一些小測試! 手上有眼線筆,粉底,眼影及唇膏.

Liz Earle claim that it can “removes all traces of face and eye make up, even stubborn mascara”. Lets put it into little test, I have put eyeliner, foundation, eye shadow & lipstick on the back of my hand.

我就覺得卸妝力很好, 底妝,眼影及唇膏是可以卸到的. 去到眼線部分,卸到7,8,但有點吃力,真的要按摩,按摩,按摩…….

Indeed I was being impressed of the cleansing power as it is able to remove my face makeup and eye shadow. With the hot cloth and the special scent of the product, it feels like you are having spa! However, when it comes to waterproof eyeliner, there is still little stain leaving behind. I really need to be patient and work it in thus to remove most of the eyeliner.

這個CREAMY TEXTURE CLEANSER 絶對是適合乾肌及中性肌. 混合肌,就真的要小心使用,因為如果沒有清潔乾淨,就會很容易有暗粒. 油性肌的話,冬天使用沒有問題. 但夏天應該不行了.

If you are dry skin, this creamy cleanser totally suit you. If you are combination skin type, you are recommended to rinse your skin thoroughly to avoid any breakouts. If you are oil skin, I believe this product is too heavy for the spring and summer time.


If you wish to purchase Liz Earle products, you are able to find them in selected boots outlets. To avoid any hassle, you are able to buy their products from Liz Earle Official website (with international delivery service).

