
[ 敗家 ] 一百日禁敗( SHOPPING BAN ) (卷二)

一百日之內,不可以買化妝品護膚品及衣服~ (免費試用,禮物,手信則例外)
完成一百日後,可以有獎勵! (尚未想到有甚麼獎勵…….)
*我覺得我需要加增一個RULE: 假如我在SHOPPING BAN 期間犯規每花HK$100, 就得延長我的SHOPPING BAN 一天. (這個規則由下次開始生效我覺得我應該可以有一次機會,對嗎?)

No purchase of makeup, skincare and clothes for 100 DAYS! ( Free sample , gift from friends are allowed).
Re-purchase of stuff is allowed only if NO substitute of certain kind of products.
I would give myself a big treat after the shopping ban! (um…. I am still thinking my treat~)
*I want to add one more rule thus to ease myself in doing this ban. If I ever break my shopping ban rule, for every HK$100 I spent, I need to extend my ban by one day. (The rule valid after this update, I think I deserve one more chance, right?) *rolling eyes*

開始日: 2015223  (Start date: 23 FEB, 2015)
結束日: 201563 (End date: 03 JUN, 2015)

早前禁敗update (Previous Shopping Ban Update!)
[ 敗家 ] 一百日禁敗( SHOPPING BAN ) (卷一)


38 (8th MAR)

3出街看到了好些SPECIAL DEAL. 忍不住就買了. (想自己撞牆去…..)
I shall not go out and wandering around. There were some special deals for Womens’ Day. I was so tempted and eventually bought something. (I wanted to slap my face now…..)

在銅鑼灣BEAUTY IQ by Watsons
因為有8買了ETTUSAIS荳蔻洗顏皂 (原價HK$80, 折後後HK$64) 
因為$3.8 的關係買了TRIAL SIZE 的女性護理潔液20ml

In CWB Beauty IQ by Watsons, I bought an Ettusais acne gentle wash (original price HK$80, discounted price HK$64) I also bought 2 trial sized from Sebamed  intimate wash for HK$3.8 each.

CWB SOGO, FRESH 買了SOY FACE CLEANSER (HK$360) (這個令我超生氣忍不住SEND 了個COMPLAINT FRESH!!!  .\_______/.!!!!!!!  )

I bought a Fresh Soy face cleanser at CWB Sogo branch. (HK$360) I was so mad as I was not comfortable with the staff attitude. At last, I sent a complaint letter to fresh office. (It isn’t a usual thing for me to go this mad, yet I think that attitude is not acceptable.)

SASA, 因為買一送一買了NUXE Rêve de Miel® 20th Anniversary Ultra-Nourishing Lip Balm. 和朋友SHARE, 原本HK$132一個 , 買一送一即HK$66 一個我有在用這個很好用我會把這個當成NIGHT TREATMENT, 真的可以KEEP 到一個晚上.值得一提的是雖說是二十週年特別版但只是PACKAGING 不一樣大家有興趣可以去看看~

With the buy one get one free deal, I bought the NUXE Rêve de Miel® 20th Anniversary Ultra-Nourishing Lip Balm at SASA. (HK$132 as original price, with the buy one get one free, it makes HK$66 each) I have been using this lip balm as night treatment for a while and I quite love its effect. Despite it’s a special edition for 20th anniversary, it’s just the difference of the coloured lid. The lip balm itself is the same with the regular product. If you are interested in this products, you may give it a try!

總洗費: HK$497.6

Total spending: HK$497.6
I was so embarrassed that I broke the rule just after 10 days of my shopping ban. However, I will keep it up and restrict myself more. And of course, stay away from the e-shopping site and stay and home would be the key for the shopping ban.

