
[開箱 HAUL ] 又來美國IHERB網購之雜貨 (IHERB HAUL AGAIN~!)

一邊說禁敗,一邊出HAUL ,真的很矛盾吧~! 不過我又真的很乖,這次都沒有破功!這次買的是食品,家用品及MAKEUP SPONGE (因為手邊的要換,所以入手的~!)

Having shopping ban and haul blog post at the same time. I am pretty inconsistent person~! Indeed, I did not break my shopping ban rule as I mainly forcus on household products and food in this haul. About the makeup sponge, I repurchase it to replace my current one. (So I guess I still comply with my shopping ban rule~!)

食品 (FOOD)

近來好愛吃NUTS! (上次IHERB HAUL 文都有說過了) 感覺健康又沒有罪惡感~! 這個有點鹹,不過喜歡有很多乾果及果仁在一起的感覺~! 這個朱古力是長期的BEST SELLER, 因為好奇,入一試

I FALL IN LOVE with NUTS lately~! (That sound a bit creepy tho….) I purchased similar stuff in last iherb haul as well. I think this is a healthier choice of snacking! I feel the nuts mix in this is pretty salty indeed the dried fruit / raison and nuts mix a nice balance. The chocolate is BEST SELLER at the time. I think it is worth trying!



Repurchase. I had this meal replacement before, it is pretty delicious and filling.


看過有些YOUTUBER都喜歡這個品牌的產品. (沒有記錯的話,INGRID NELSON). 眼見價位不高,又標榜天然,所以入手一試. Ingrid 真的有提過, 可以按下面看看~!

I heard some youtuber raved about Method’s products. It is in a reasonable price range and environmentally friendly. So I give it a try! (Ingrid nelson mentioned it in a haul! Click below link to view the video)

化妝掃 (Makeup Brush)

手邊有一隻,已經用了很久.應該要更換一個.但這個一直都在缺貨.看到back in stock, 立即買了一set!之後友人見到,都心動想試!所以,總共買了3set!

I have been using this sponge for me face makeup for a while and needed a replacement. However, it was OUT OF STOCK for months. I went straight ahead to order one set when it come back in stock. My friend also wanted to try this magical sponge so I have bought 3 set in total!

IHERB網真的不錯, 有許多天然 / 有機食品及用品. 大家有興趣可以看看. 如果使用我的折扣碼可以更省阿! 折扣碼: PDN381

I believe iherb is a good website to explore organic food / healthy snacks and beauty products. If you wish to purchase from the website, you might use my discount code for getting better offer! Discount Code: PDN381

