一百日之內,不可以買化妝品, 護膚品及衣服~ (免費試用,禮物,手信則例外)
當然, 用完的東西, 而又沒有代替品的,就可以補買~~~
完成一百日後,可以有獎勵! (尚未想到有甚麼獎勵…….)
假如我在SHOPPING BAN 期間犯規, 每花HK$100, 就得延長我的SHOPPING BAN 一天.
No purchase
of makeup, skincare and clothes for 100 DAYS! ( Free sample , gift from friends
are allowed).
of stuff is allowed only if NO substitute of certain kind of products.
I would give
myself a big treat after the shopping ban! (um…. I am still thinking my treat~)
If I ever
break my shopping ban rule, for every HK$100 I spent, I need to extend my ban
by one day.
開始日: 2015年2月23日 (Start date: 23 FEB,
結束日: 2015年6月5日 (End date: 05 JUN, 2015)
早前禁敗update (Previous Shopping Ban Update!)
5月6日 (6th MAY)
這兩個星期, 真係不得了.整個人都好想血拼~!再重申"好。想。血。拼"!!!或許是快到母親節, 許多品牌都出了不少優惠.一看到,好想衝過去......................不過, so far, 在iherb 買完東西之後, 都沒有再買東西了. (其實也都只有那麼短短的兩個星期....) 這一陣子,感覺好難捱............(T^T) 哭哭....
I felt super
duper SPENDY for the past two weeks! Totally #FEELINGSPENDY!!! There were loads
of special offer / discount as the Mothers’ Day was approaching. I SO WANTED to
splurge on every single item!!!!!!!!! However, I didn’t buy anything after the
iherb haul. Indeed, things were getting better. I did not feel the urge to
spend right now. So glad that I survived that horrible TWO Weeks!
為怕不停看新PRODUCT, CHECK EMAIL OFFER 會令我更想買.這陣子轉戰看其他東西 – 手帳. 看到不少YOUTUBER 都有用手帳, 一般歐美的會用FILOFAX 或ERIN CONDREN. 我覺得好美!( 以往讀書時有用過其他手帳,感覺用手帳比較真實, 而且當時沒有太流行用手機APP.好像有把最愛的留起來) 不過, 用FILOFAX 及ERIN CONDREN 都不便宜.入門都要大約100美金.所以都是打消念頭了.不過, 我想信可以買一本便宜的手帳, 例如無印良品的, 再花心思去裝飾,更有個人風格吧! (哈哈~! 有藉口去敗家, 可以到淘寶淘MASKING TAPE 及貼紙了!)
To distract
myself from the beauty offer, I tried to develop other interest. I have watched
some “Planner Video” on youtube randomly and I was drawn to the whole planner
thing! I used to have a planner in my school life as it was not that popular to
use mobile app to record all appointments / exam / project deadline etc. I have
also kept a few of my favourite planners too! I found Filofax / Erin Condren
are the pupolar type of planner among the US blogger community. However, their
price point is a bit higher than I expected. Therefore, I think I might buy a
simple one from Muji and do my own decoration. ( I know there are loads of
planners’ supplies / craft supplies on Taobao website. I have the excuse to
haul some craft supplies now!)
早前因為資生堂VIP 日,陪媽媽去了逛一下.因為媽媽是MEMBER 的關係, BA 們超客氣的給我奉上小食及飲品.讓我都有點不好意思~!
It was
Shesido VIP day in lte April. There was some special event in the store. I went
with my mom as she was member. The BA was so nice that they also gave me the
snack and drink as to celebrate the event.
看一看,原來只有一個月,就可以完結我的SHOPPING BAN.感覺輕鬆多了!!! 加油!!!
The Shopping
Ban is almost over! There is only around one moth left for the shopping ban. I
feel so much better and need to get ready for some haul now! Let’s keep it
To buy list /
To do List
化妝掃 (Makeup brushes)
Jo Malone Cologne
/ TOKYOMLIK perfume
Afternoon Tea
*New* Liquid
*New* Loose
Powder / Compressed Powder
*New* Flats /
*New* Makeup