
[ MINI REVIEW 短評 ] 泰國美白神器 – SNAIL WHITE (Ultimate Brightening Cream!)

一白遮三醜, 亞洲人一般都會追求美白的肌膚. Snail White這個美白面霜在網路上很火紅, 說美白效果很好, 可以減少生暗瘡的情況云云. 我之前都有點心動想試.但由於擔心在水貨店買到假貨, 又不想捱MANNINGS 的貴貨(當時好像要HK400一個), 都選擇了忍手不買. 但上年年尾到了曼谷, 就趁機在BOOTS 買了.價錢好像是980THB (大約是HK$240) 可恨的是BOOTS 沒有退稅, 不然會買得更高興~

In general, Asians tend to seek for brighter complexion and skin tone. Snail White face cream (originated in Thailand) has been very popular lately. I have heard of its effect on minimizing pimple, fading scars / spots etc. Indeed I hesitated for a while as I was afraid of buying counterfeit / buying the overpriced at Mannings. Finally, I bought the snail white cream at Boots during the trip to Bangkok. The price is around 980THB (approx. HK240. )The purchase at Boots were not eligible for tax refund, otherwise, I would have buy a lot more stuff!

一向在生理期都會有長暗瘡的問題,但這幾個月,由於壓力關係, 暗瘡根本沒有停過.我有時會用暗瘡貼, 暗瘡膏. 但有時會有壞習慣,擠暗瘡…….之後, 弄得滿臉都是紅印,久久不退. 之前整理skincare , 見到這個snail white 美白神器, 於是便拿 出來用了.

I am suffering from the hormonal acne problem, especially before / after the TOM. The situation became worse in recent months due to pressure. I have pimple all over my face. I often use acne spot treatment / acne spot pads. Sometime, I would pick the pimple… (I know it’s a bad habit…) The acne scars are all over my face and was not able to fade away.

SNAIL WHITE 的設計是按壓式,感覺比較衛生. Cream 的質感黏稠, (網上很多人說過, 會有牽絲.), 有香料味.我一次大約會用1泵的份量,用後很快吸收. 基本上輕輕按摩, 1分鐘即可以吸收. 由於怕會敏感或有不良反應,最初幾天用只用作night cream, 而且份量不敢用太多….

Snail white is using a pump design instead of just using a pot, it makes me feel more sanitary while using. It is in a think gel consistency and a little bit gluey.  At first, I use one whole pump for my face. It absorbs pretty quickly without any greasy feeling. I only use this as night cream at the first few days to let me skin adapted to the new cream.
photo from official website about usage direction

過了兩三天,看到效果頗明顯.新的暗瘡印已經明顯淡化.而且去紅腫的效果都十分明顯.所以我便大膽起來! 現在早晩都會用snail white,而且會再多按一點snail white cream, 重點塗在想改善的位置.希望可以持續改善我的皮膚吧!

The effect is pretty impressive at the first few days. Some of the acne scars have visible improvement. In addition, the cream helps to improve the swollen / redness of the pimples. I was very impressed by its performance and I have started to use the snail white cream at day & night. To further enhance the effect, I would use a little bit more cream and put on the spots / scaring area. I hope this snail white cream would be able to improve my skin situation!

P.S. 剛剛上網找了一下,發現Snail WhiteFingershopping.com 有售(特價後大約HK300).  有興趣的可以試試看!

P.S. I have just found out fingershopping.com also sell Snail White, and it’s on special promotion. You are able to get Snail White at aound HK$300.

