一百日之內,不可以買化妝品, 護膚品及衣服~ (免費試用,禮物,手信則例外)
當然, 用完的東西, 而又沒有代替品的,就可以補買~~~
完成一百日後,可以有獎勵! (尚未想到有甚麼獎勵…….)
假如我在SHOPPING BAN 期間犯規, 每花HK$100, 就得延長我的SHOPPING BAN 一天.
purchase of makeup, skincare and clothes for 100 DAYS! ( Free sample , gift
from friends are allowed).
of stuff is allowed only if NO substitute of certain kind of products.
would give myself a big treat after the shopping ban! (um…. I am still thinking
my treat~)
I ever break my shopping ban rule, for every HK$100 I spent, I need to extend
my ban by one day.
開始日: 2015年2月23日 (Start date: 23 FEB, 2015)
結束日: 2015年6月3日
(End date: 03 JUN, 2015)
[ 敗家 ] 一百日禁敗( SHOPPING BAN ) (卷三)
早前禁敗update (Previous Shopping Ban Update!)
(26 th MAR)
很感動,很難捱…..想不到原來SHOPPING BAN 是這麼難捱的. 每天返工,放工,經過商場,都很想買東西. 經過萬寧, WATSONS , SASA, 卓悅都會別過頭來, 眼不見為乾淨. 有時會心癢癢入去行一個圈.但都只是WINDOW SHOPPING, 沒有買東西! (真的為自己而驕傲!)
such a LONG week for me. I didn’t expect shopping ban is such a hard task to go
through. When I passed by the mall every day, I felt even harder to resist!
Most of the time I would just turned my head away... I often did window
shopping to see what’s new in the store. However, I did not buy a single thing!
Isn’t it amazing!? I am pretty proud of myself!
真的有令我覺自己思考需要(NEEDS)和慾望(WANTS/ DESIRES).許多東西, 明明已經有. 但偏偏想要得到更多.眼影控如我, 一直鬼打牆的買大地色眼影.(家人都好奇到底我有多少雙眼睛….!?) 我相信所有化妝品控/文具控的人是明白的~! 但作為美妝客,很難沒有這種慾望.不過, 一切都要適可而止.
the shopping ban, I start to think about my needs and wants / desires. I
already own a lot of stuff, indeed I still feel the urge to buy more! For
example, I LOVE to buy earth tone / nude colour eye shadow, or eye shadow in
general. I have accumulated lots of eye palettes at home which more that I
really need. I believe all beauty guru have the similar symptom as I do! Once
in a while, we do need to satisfy our desires but just need to make sure not
getting over it.
這幾天,雖然沒有自購物品.但我親愛的母親大人雪中送炭!!!!!!!! 因為Shiseido 有會員積分,她為我換了WHITE LUCENT 洗面乳及TONER. 我有用這個系列, 因為有點小乾, 夏天用比較合適! 希望夏天前可以用完手邊的產品.可以用到這個WHITE LUCENT 系列!
I didn’t buy anything by myself, I still got some new products! My lovely mom
spending her Shiseido members points to redeem the white lucent toner &
face cleanser for me! I had used the White Lucent range, and felt it’s a bit
drying. However, it is totally suitable to use in Summer time. I wish I can
finish the stuff on hand and open these products by summer!
由於太想太想買東西, 我想我要draft 一下一個to buy list / to do list . 好好寫低有甚麼想買, 以作shopping ban 後的獎勵!! 一百日禁敗過了一約三分一,真的要好好加油!
suppress my desires / urge of spending money, I think I should write down a to
buy list / to do list. This would be my treat after the shopping ban challenge!
ONE THIRD of the 100 Days Shopping Ban has passed, I hope I can keep it up!
buy list / To do List
Beauty blender :
化妝掃 (Makeup brushes)
Jo Malone Cologne
Nars - The NARSissist Eyeshadow Palette
Afternoon Tea