
[ Mini Review 短評 ] Peter Thomas Roth 南瓜酵素面膜 Pumpkin Enzyme Mask

這個Peter Thomas Roth 南瓜酵素面膜 是我的大愛MASK!!我手上的是15ml, 但用量很省,可以在全面用上4,5 次. 用法很簡單,洗面後,乾手乾面塗上一層薄薄的南瓜酵素面膜,再濕手,以指尖輕輕按摩,3-7分鐘後就可以洗走.剛上面,會有一種刺刺的感覺,但1-2分鐘後就會消失.這種intense 的去角質,一星期1至2次就可以了.

這個mask 是可以去角質,用後我覺得皮膚更柔軟,明亮. mask 入面有酵素及有少許粒粒,是chemical 及physical peel 的結合~!用完手上的細size, 會回購大size 的~!

The Peter Thomas Roth Pumpkin Enzyme Mask is my FAVOURITE!!! The one on hand is just 15ml but it already last me for 4-5 times FULL FACE use! It is pretty easy to use. However, there is some stinky feeling when I apply on my face. The feeling will just last for 1-2 mins and it is totally acceptable. As the mask is an intense treatment, it is recommend to use 1-2 times per week.

I love how this mask brighten up my complexion and help fading my acne scar! I will totally re-purchase the large size!!)

