大家也許沒有聽過Soap & Glory這個品牌, 但或許會聽過BOOTS 吧. Soap & Glory 是一個在BOOTS 有開架的品牌. 有BATH & BODY 產品,
亦有化妝品. 而我一開始買這個品牌是先試化妝品的. 大家或許會心思思想試,但又不知道是好物,還是雷物. 這次給大家介紹幾件化妝品吧~!
you have not heard of Soap & Glory, but you should have heard of “Boots”.
Soap & Glory is one of the brands available in Boots. Soap & Glory has
a wide range of products, from Bath & Body to makeup products. The first thing I have tried from this brand is makeup product. In case you are
interested in their product but do not
know what to start with. You may see my mini review on below stuff!
**請原諒我的化妝品. 因為我真的有在用. 有一些都見底了~!**
products are WELL LOVED. That’s why their packaging looks a bit old. Please
bear with me…**
記得Stylesuzi ,
Essiebutton ,Zoella都有推介. 這是一個透明粉餅,我一般會用來定妝.如有需要, 都會用來補妝.這個粉餅基本上沒有遮瑕力,但控油力不俗. 主力用在T-ZONE 可以減輕出油溶妝.如果你臉很會出油. 這個粉餅很適合你.
Youtubers (such as Stylesuzi, Essiebutton & Zoella) RAVED
about this product. It claimed to be “oil absorbing”, “shine control”. Those
sound very promising. I would say “IT IS TRUE”!!! I have pretty oily T-zone. I
used this for setting my makeup and seldom used for touch up. This face powder
has the mattifying magic power! Since it is translucent, it would not give you
much coverage. However, it is a good product for setting makeup and shine
control. If you have oily skin, this is totally made for you!
媲美ANASTASIA BROW WIZ 的眉筆, 但只是六折的價錢.受到許多YOUTUBER 追捧~! 一邊是筆,一邊是擦.使用時很方便. 持久力高,用上一整天( ~10 – 12 小時),回到家還可以見到我的眉, 只是有一點點小暈. 便宜又好用的確是好處, 但壞處是只有兩個色號, 有點難找到PERFECT MATCH. 不過, 我覺得這個色號對於我還好. (我用的是 HOT CHOCOLATE)
guru often compared this brow pencil with the Anastasia Brow Wiz. They said it
is literally a dupe! It sound pretty amazing and that’s why I bought this
product. The brow pencil has two ends, one end is the brow pencil and another
end is the brush / spoolie which come in handy. I would say I am pretty
impressed with its staying power. My brow look pretty much the same after 10 –
12 hour long day! However, the S&G Archery Brow Pencil is only available in
TWO shades, it might be hard for you to find your perfect shade. ( I consider
myself pretty lucky as the hot chocolate shade suit me pretty well~!)
pic from Soap & Glory official website |
但請注意,S&G 家有兩種眉筆.雖然同樣叫ARCHERY, 但是不相同的. 另一種是一邊筆狀,一邊是液體狀.
has released another brow pencil called Archery. However, another archery has
pencil on one end, and liquid tint on another end.
這個光影/陰影粉是硬卡紙盒包裝. 一半是光影, 一半是陰影.陰影是咖啡色,沒有閃粉. 光影是膚色,有少許光澤感,給你自然光澤的感覺. 我會用化妝掃在上面打圈, 混和出一個自然色調的陰影.陰影顏色挻合我心意,不會太橙 / 泥色. 我愛死這個POWDER, 幾乎天天都會用~!
product contained in a hard card board case, pretty sturdy for travelling too!
The compact is split into two side, the bronzer and highlighter. The bronzer
side is deep brown shade while the highlighter is in skin tone with little bit
of glow. The highlight will bring you a subtle glow. I would use the makeup brush swirl around the
powder to get the perfect natural shading colour. I love this quite a lot and
use it almost EVERY SINGLE DAY! The colour is pretty night as it is not too
orangy nor muddy.
- Soap & Glory Cheekmate Cheek & Lip Stain (胭脂液) (discontinued 己停產)
買這個產品是因為CHEEKMATE 看起來的顏色與BENEFIT BENETINT 很相似, 但價錢只是一半.但擠出來就知道兩者的質地不一樣. CHEEKMATE 是比較GEL 狀.還未推開時的顏色是近車厘子色,推開後是帶有自然玫瑰粉紅色調. 用上後讓人以為是害羞臉紅的感覺.因為STAIN
的關係, 持久度真的很高. 但使用時要小心, 手要定及動作要快, 要不然會留下一點點紅印….新手要多加留意~!
bought this Cheekmate as I think it looks like Benefit Benetint, indeed with a
fraction of price. The texture of Cheekmate is in gel form, not too liquidly.
It is in cherry red, and it turn into rosy pink after blending. The rosy pink
shade is so subtle which give you a blush feeling~! As it is tinted, I had to
work extra carefully. I used to bland my cheek one by one, otherwise, the cheek
stain will dry and leaving pink dots on my cheek!
以上的產品性價比很高. 如果有機會,我應該會再回購.(看到ONE HECK OF A BLOT 已經見底, 捨不得再用…..T^T). 大家如果有機會去旅行,經過BOOTS, 可以去看一看~!
I believe Soap & Glory products are in high quality. There are totally
worth trying! I would totally re-purchase these products if they used up. ( I
already hit pan for the “one heck of a blot”. You can tell how much I love it!)
If you are lucky enough to go to countries with Boots (such as Thailand / UK),
you should have a look at the S&G counter!
**有闗身體篇的BLOG POST 已經出左, 可以按下面的LINK 去看看~!
** New blog post about Soap & Glory body product is up! Click below link to check it out!
**有闗身體篇的BLOG POST 已經出左, 可以按下面的LINK 去看看~!
** New blog post about Soap & Glory body product is up! Click below link to check it out!