
[ Swatch 試色圖] 外國開架KIKO眼影 eye shadow

到倫敦時買的三個KIKO 眼影, 當時做promotion, 好似2.5 GBP 一個. 對比sleek, 價格不算太便宜. (因為Sleek 12色眼影都是8 GBP).

I bought these during my London Trip. Kiko was having special promotion about these eye shadow, which costed around 2.5GBP each. Compared to Sleek, it is a bit pricy. (Sleek sells its 12 eye shadown palette at 8GBP).

當時因迷上酒紅眼影, 感覺買了單色眼影好似比較合心意.最後買了以下三個. [ CLICS ] System Infinity Shadow – 255, 233 & 234. 這三個眼影是單買的,要另外配上眼影盒. 這樣就方便自由配色組合自己的眼影.

I was obsessed with BURGUNDY shade eye shadow recently. I believe it would be easier to buy my perfect burgundy shade in single eye shadow. I have tried and bought below eye shadows. [ CLICS ] System Infinity Shadow – 255, 233 & 234. The eye shadows and case were bought separately for me to easy switch and change the colour combination.

[ CLICS ] System Infinity Shadow
255 – 金黃色,可以用作BLENDING / 眼頭打亮 ( golden shimmery shade, perfect for blending or inner corner brightening)
233 – 酒紅, 很美吧!!! (burgundy shade, isn't it gorgeous!?)
234 - 啡紅色, 可以用作TONE DOWN 酒紅及作眼線 ( reddish brown, satin finish for tone down the burgundy shade or eyeliner)

看到試色,在沒有打底的情況下,顏色都很飽和,沒有飛粉.這幾個眼影都是帶珠光,但不會感到閃粉太大粒. 不過, 我覺得眼影好似壓得不太FIRM, 會很易碎. 不過總體, 我覺得這些眼影可以與MAC / URBAN DECAY 相比.現在真的想去多買幾個顏色回來!!!

You can see the vivid colour payoff with NO primer underneath. The eye shadow is very opaque and no fall out. These eye shadow are shimmery / satin finish, while the shimmer particle are very tiny. However, the eye shadows are not well-pressed, which I believe it is easy to crack / broken if you drop it. Overall, the eye shadow are in good quality and out of my expectation! They are comparable with MAC / Urban Decay ones! I would really want to get more of it!!!

記得要看看 ----- [ Swatch 試色圖] 外國開架KIKO DOUBLE GLAM 眼線筆
Please also check out ---[ Swatch 試色圖] 外國開架KIKO DOUBLE GLAM 眼線筆


[ MINI REVIEW 短評] 一抹嫣紅之Sleek Blush by 3 (LACE)

早前到了london 一遊,心想要試一試drugstore products. (其實很想很想買charlotte tilbury, 但還是忍手了…..) Sleek 算是中價品牌,性價比高, 所以一向都受人追捧.我也入手了幾件products. 現在先review 一下blush by three (Lace).

I went to London for a short trip in February and wanted to try some drugstore products. (Actually I wanted to try Charlotte Tilbury too, but I didn’t went for it.....) Sleek is counted as mid-range in drug store and being famous for its exceptional high quality. I have bought a few products and let me review the Blush by Three – Lace first.

Blush by 3 是一盒三色的胭脂. 根據色號, 有些胭脂是cream , 有些是粉狀. 大家要小心選購! 由於保存期限, 我是傾向買粉狀的.

The blush texture varies across the different palette, some are cream blushes, and some are powder blushes. For the sake of product longevity, I prefer powder blush to cream one.

Lace 是偏珊瑚色的胭脂由左至右:
Lace palette leans on coral tone, from left to right:

Crochet左邊的是橙調珊瑚色 (Matte Orange Coral)
Chantilly中間是有閃粉的淺橙色. (Light coral with shimmers)
Chantilly右邊是粉紅色. (Pink-Coral tone)

試色時感到粉質非常好,而且顯色度很高. (新手注意要輕手一點了.) 持久度尚好, 大約4 -5 小時我是在LONDON  boots 購買但如果大家有興趣,可以直接到官網購買因為SLEEK有 international delivery 而且運費合理不會太心痛~

I love the texture of this blush as it is pretty buttery. You are able to see the good colour payoff from the just a simple swipe. (Special handling is required for the new makeup lovers!) The lasting power is average which can be hold up to about 5 hours. I totally fall in love with this palette and I wish Hong Kong will have more choice on the affordable makeup! I bought this at the Boots @ London. If you wish to buy Sleek products, you may go to their official website to have a look. Sleek offers international delivery with a reasonable delivery charge!

早之出了一個有關 NARS - orgasm 的 比較,有興趣可以按我. 如果想看更多有關SLEEK 的文章,可以按下面的Link.

there is a previous blog post which compared this Sleek Blush to NARS - Orgasm, you may click here! If you are interested in more Sleek product swatch, please click below link~!

[ Swatch 試色圖] 外國開架品牌 SLEEK 眼影盤 -  Storm
[ Swatch 試色圖] 外國開架品牌 SLEEK 眼影盤 -  Vintage Romance


[ MINI REVIEW 短評] 滴滴金 - Jo Malone Cologne Duo Set

早前去了澳門, 收到了一個小驚喜! 其實不算是甚麼特別日子,不過真心感謝親愛的給我準備這個小驚喜! <3

I has a little trip to Macau, and got this little SURPRISE!!! It was not any special occasion, indeed I truly thankful for my loved one who prepared this surprise to me! <3

看到這個盒子,米黃盒子,就知道是Jo Malone 了吧!!!打開後看到了一張小卡片 -   The art of fragrance combining. 再拿走黑色的保護卡紙,就會看到Blackberry & Bay (30ML) Nectarine Blossom & Honey (30ML). Jo Malone 的分類, Blackberry & Bay, Nectarine Blossom & Honey 都是Fruity系列的.

You know its Jo Malone by this signature ivory box!!! There is a little note card of “The art of fragrance combining” when I opened the box. When I removed the black protective card board, I saw Blackberry & Bay (30ML) Nectarine Blossom & Honey (30ML). Both of these cologne fall under the “Fruity” scent under Jo Malone categories system.

其實手邊已經有一枝Blackberry & Bay, 亦寫了有關文章,所以不多講了,有興趣的 請點我.

I already owned a Blackberry & Bay, and included in my blog post. You may click here for details!

有關Nectarine Blossom & Honey, 這可算是Jo Malone 其中一個best seller! (我本來都已經心動,打算入手~!)

Nectarine Blossom & Honey is one of the best seller in Jo Malone. I planned to get one after my shopping ban too!

官網: London's Covent Garden early morning market. Succulent nectarine, peach and cassis and delicate spring flowers melt into the note of acacia honey. Sweet and delightfully playful.

這個香水, 真心很甜.而且感覺得是很年輕的甜美活力.以我中女之齡,用上之後, 有點”Sam Hui”. 不過, 我相信可以用其他香水做一個layering, 那就可以dress down 這種清新甜味.

This cologne is pretty sweet and delightful. It is a more youthful sweet and energetic which suitable for spring / summer! However, as I am getting pretty old in my mid 20-ish, I feel this is a bit too youthful for using it alone. I would try to combine with other cologne to dress down the sweetness.

Yeah! 我的Jo Malone 香水又多添新成員!!! 想看看我其他的成員? 請按Part 1 Part 2

YEAH! There is another cologne fall in my Jo Malone Collection! Want to see my others Jo Malone collection? Click here for Part 1 and Part 2!


[ MINI REVIEW 短評] 滴滴金 - Jo Malone Cologne 大檢閱 (PART 2)

承接上一次的兩支JO MALONE 香水分享, 如果你沒有看PART 1, 請按我.
I have talked about my Jo Malone collection in previous blog post, if you've missed it, please click here.

The last one to talk about from my Jo Malone Cologne collection is Blackberry & Bay.

Childhood memories of blackberry picking...A burst of deep, tart blackberry juice, blending with the freshness of just-gathered bay and brambly woods. Vibrant and verdant.

這枝的香味給人一種REFRESH 的感覺友人說是有柔順劑 / 熊寶貝的感覺….這枝雖說有 BLACKBERRY, 但卻不會太甜, 果香不算很濃. 畢竟, BLACKBERRY 都不算是很甜的水果. REFRESHING 的感覺是肯定有的了.
With the blackberry, this cologne is pretty refreshing. Some of my friend describe it a fresh laundry scent. As this cologne consist of blackberry, it is fruity and citrusy. 

這枝託友人幫忙刻了字的. 本來想刻“NOT ALL WANDER ARE LOST”, 最後變成“NOT ALL WONDER ARE LOST”…. (哭哭)
My friend helped me to engrave the cologne bottle. I intended to engrave “not all who WANDER are lost”, but the artesian mistook it to “not all who WONDER are lost”….Indeed it might sort of make sense.

SO FAR, 還沒有在香港買過JO MALONE. (但有時會進去店面看看新品!) 但許多時候在機場買或直接到LONDON 選購會更化算~!

For those who wanted to try Jo Malone, you might went ahead to the local store. However, I found that overseas outlets tend to have better price. (especially in Airport Duty Free)

在曼谷機場DUTY FREE ,當時坐THAI AIRWAYS, 還可以打九折! / bought in Bangkok Airport Dutyfree, since I was flying with Thai Airways, I got extra 10% off!!!!!

託友人在LONDON  / bought in London

自己在LONDON HARRODS 專櫃買 / bought in London

題外話: LONDON機場購買,因為TAX FREE的關係, 售價大約是在香港買的7, 可以的話, 多抬幾枝回港吧!
P.S. if you wish buy Jo Malone, I think the best place to buy is at London Airport. As it is tax free. It is basically 30% off compared to Hong Kong price.

P.P.S.自己都覺得自己長氣….. 感謝看到最後的你! <3
I know this is such a long blog post. Thanks for those who read the whole passage! <3

New Update!

大家可以去看看這個最新的Jo Malone Blog Post - [ MINI REVIEW 短評] 滴滴金 - Jo Malone Cologne Duo Set…..
Don't miss out the latest Jo Malone Blog Post - [ MINI REVIEW 短評] 滴滴金 - Jo Malone Cologne Duo Set…..

[ Swatch 試色圖] 外國開架品牌 SLEEK 眼影盤 - Storm

上次講了Vintage Romance, 今次看Storm. (如果想看Vintage Romance 的試色,可以按此) Sleek 家的眼影有多紅,我不多說了. 看以下試色吧~!

I have talked about Vintage Romance and did some swatch before. We are talking about Storm for today! (If you have missed the blogpost about Vintage Romance, please click here!) I believe I do not have to mention how popular Sleek is in the makeup world. Let's see the swatch below!

Top Row: Earth Tone
Bottom Row: cold tone
Storm是很長青及很受歡迎的色號.上排6色是啡紅調的大地色下排6色是冷色系的深藍,墨綠.這個STORM 其實都很跳TONE. 因為大地色與冷色有所對比日常化妝可以多用上排的大地色下排的冷色可以用作EYELINE 或放在下眼線一個眼影盤,化出來的妝容可濃可淡難怪會成為一個如此POPULAR 的色號!

Storm is one of the popular palettes among the collection. It is well known for the shadow variety as it is a mix of neutral brown shades and cool toned purple / blue shades. The top row consists of neutral colour for the ease of daily usage while the bottom row can be used for lower eye line or put on the outer-v area. If you focus on using the bottom row, it gives you a very glamorous look. I LOVE the variety of the palette!!!

總的來說,眼影盤的配色都很美眼影顯色度高粉質很BUTTERY, 很順滑閃色 / SATIN FINISH 的表現令我很意外. 感覺得美,閃粉粒很細緻matte 色系的好似比較不太易推開. 不過以性價比,我是真心推的值得一試!

Overall, the eye shadow are highly pigmented, a little goes a long way. It’s very smooth and buttery. I am very impressed with the shimmery / satin finish colours. The shimmer particles are very subtle. Yet some of the matte shade tend to have fall outs / not easy to blend. However, its price is totally unbeatable! For around HK$90, it is usually for the prize of quad and yet you are getting 12 colour eye shadow palette!

有興趣的,可以直接到SLEEK官網訂購官網提供INTERNATIONAL DELIVERY, 但要收取一定運費. (運費都很合理~) 如果怕官網的色圖有色差,大家可以再自行上網再爬文看看~

If you would like to try their product, you might go to local Boots or go to Sleek official website (provide international delivery)! As the reference photo on official website are not quite true to colour, I highly suggest view swatch from other bloggers too!

[ Swatch 試色圖] 外國開架品牌 SLEEK 眼影盤 - Vintage Romance

這陣子都很迷外國的開架品牌. 早前到LONDON,事前做了有關SLEEK 的資料搜集, REVIEW 大部分都正面. 但有好一些都會說眼影有點小飛粉. BOOTS 時試了上手,感覺不錯, 就入手了2 SLEEK 12色眼影盤(STORM Vintage Romance).  如果想看STORM 的試色, 請按此.

I have been longed for the Sleek Eye shadow. The Sleek Eye Shadow has incredible review and good for value. There are certain reviews about the fall out of some shimmery shade. However, the pigmentation and texture of most eye shadow shades are worth trying. I have purchased two of the Sleek Eye Shadow palette (STORM & VINTAGE ROMANCE) during my London Trip. If you wish to see the blog pot of Storm, please click here.

Vintage Romance 對我來說是一個新嘗試.因為Vintage Romance 是帶有紫調的眼影盤. 我一向怕紫調, 因為怕會顯得眼腫. 今次真的跳出了Comfort Zone!~ 上排是傾向大地色,下排就是紫調.

Vintage Romance is totally a new try for me. I tend to avoid purple / red shade as those colours make my eye appear swollen. However, I felt if the purple doesn’t work out for me. I can put them into lower eyeline as accent colour. I can still get a lot of use of the palette with just the neutral shades, that’s why I think it’s worth trying. The top row is golden bronze shade while the bottom row is plumy purple tone.

Top row : earth tone
上排: 大地色

bottom row: purple plum tone

總的來說,眼影盤的配色都很美. 眼影顯色度高. 粉質很BUTTERY, 很順滑. matte 色系的好似比較不太易推開. 12色的眼影盤, 只要大約HK$90. 這是一般開架4色眼影盤的價錢. 我是真心推的, 值得一試!

Overall, the eye shadow are highly pigmented, a little goes a long way. It’s very smooth and buttery. Yet some of the matte shade tend to have fall outs. However, its price is totally unbeatable! For around HK$90, it is usually for the prize of quad and yet you are getting 12 colour eye shadow palette!

有興趣的,可以直接到SLEEK官網訂購. 官網提供INTERNATIONAL DELIVERY, 但要收取一定運費. (運費都很合理~) 如果怕官網的色圖有色差,大家可以再自行上網再爬文看看~

If you would like to try their product, you might go to local Boots or go to Sleek official website (provide international delivery)! As the reference photo on official website are not quite true to colour, I highly suggest view swatch from other bloggers too!