
[大掃除 Declutter ]指甲油整理 ( Nail Polish Declutter)

一直都想減少自己的BEAUTY COLLECTION. 早之已經清過一次,送了好一些東西給我的朋友又丟了好一些. (我想大約減少了10 15 件產品) 禁敗之後,更加要的起心肝”,想去做大掃除(de-clutter)! 不過由於我還是捨不得再丟我的化妝品, 只好從週邊的東西開始. (一開始還是要需要有一點成功感)

I have been trying to down size my amount of beauty collection. I tried to clean out some of the makeup products by pass on or throw away. ( I believe around 10 to 15 products were GONE!) After the 100 day shopping ban, I feel the urge of de-clutter! Since I know my attachment to makeup products, I am starting my declutter journey by nail polish. ( We all need that little sense of achievement when starting a project~!)

以往我是十分愛塗甲油,有試過整整三個月沒停過而令到指甲變黃. (有夠誇張的…) 但之後有一段時間做GEL ,就沒有再塗了.現在, 一兩個月都不會塗一次. 不過,快要到夏天,心癢癢的想再做GEL 甲或再塗指甲油~!

I used to LOVE putting on nail polish. I tried to wear nail polish for THREE MONTHS Straight ( which made my nails turned yellow….) However, as I was doing gal manicure for a while last year, I stop wearing nail polish. My love on nail polish kind of faded. Indeed, they start to grow on me as Summer is coming, I am thinking to do the gel manicure or nail polish!

經過一輪掙扎, 選了以下幾枝,準備丟掉.
I would say, the struggle is REAL! I am getting rid of below products~!

底油/面油: 6 ( 6 base coat / top coat)
這些產品已經很舊了,而且手邊已經有好幾枝新底油/面油. 真的毫不考慮就把這個丟了.
These base cost / top cost are pretty old and expired. In fact, I already got some new ones on hand. It is time to get rid of the expired ones!

指甲油: 21 (21 nail polish)
Some of the nail polish are turning bad and dried out. Some of them are just not the colour that I would love to wear.

我發現我有2枝指甲油是相同的~! Revlon Vixen 是我最愛的暗酒紅色, 所以當時多買了一枝做backup. skinfood 的雖然很美,但真的不明白會多買一枝. (雖然是重覆,但還是想先保留一下….)

I LOVE the oxblood red from Revlon (Vixen)! That’s why I bought back up! About the Skinfood nail polish, it is pretty indeed I don’t really need two of them. ( I am still holding on to them and planning to get rid of them later on)

本來以為自己可以丟掉更多指甲油,但我覺得27 枝產品已經是一個好開始. 手邊依然有許多指甲油,希望再過多兩,三個月,會再做一次declutter. 因此,先不會分享現有的collection.

I thought I would have done better than this. However, it is already a good start for getting rid of 27 nail products! (HURRAY!!!!)  I still have over 50 nail polish on hand and I am planning to have another declutter in coming months. There shall be a blog post about my final nail polish collection.

上網爬了許多文章,看了許多有關大掃除的秘訣. 看到許多文章都有說,把東西丟掉/清空之後,會感出奇的快樂.當我看到我丟掉這27PRODUCT, 有一點點可惜.但同時都有一種成功感,一種莫名的快樂

There are lots of declutter tips or suggested method online. The passage often suggested that you would have a sense of happiness after decluterring. I could not deny that, after I throw away these 27 nail products, I feel very satisfied and content. ( also, I think this is some sort of achievement too!)

