
[ MINI REVIEW 短評] LUNA 自動追色爆水粉底 Water Essence Founpact

這個粉底早前很火紅, 又受到”GET IT BEAUTY”節目推介. 所以上年到首爾時都在OLIVE YOUNG 買了一盒. (入面有一個粉底加一個REFILL)  用了大約3-4 個月, 差不多用完了一個.所以是時候寫一下短評.

The famous Luna Water Essence Founpact was pretty popular in Hong Kong. I bought one in Olive Young during my Korea Trip last winter. (There is one compact plus a refill in the package) I have used for 3-4 months, and I think its time for a mini review.

因為有自動追色功能, LUNA 只有一個色號. 韓國粉底一向都是偏白,雖然說是追色, 但都只是輕微調色. 就似是一般BB CREAM 的效果. 如果你是古銅肌或健康膚色, 這個粉底是絶對沒可能追到你的膚色的~! 關係爆水, 這個粉底霜的確是有一定水分, 用上面有一定光澤感.開初使用時,會見到有小水珠冒出. (好神奇!!!) 有輕微遮瑕力,介乎於BB CREAM 及氣墊粉之間, 屬於自然輕透妝感.在碎粉加持之下, 大約KEEP 4 -5  小時並且不會起乾紋..(利申: 我是混合肌,一到下午T 字位會出油.)

The founpact only comes in ONE colour due to its “auto colour trace” function. (It claims the founpact will be able to match your skin tone after application) However, Korean Brand’s face makeup are also well known for its light / pale complexion. Therefore, I would say the founpact is only able to slightly tune into your skin tone. (the effect would be just like those BB Creams) If you are in darker complexion, this founpact is NO WAY be able to match your skin tone. I can tell the founpact contain water essence as some water drop appears on the founpact upon usage. When the founpact set on your skin, it turn into a dewy finish. The coverage is pretty low, considerably between BB Cream and BB Cushion. When topping with loose powder, it is able to last up to 4 -5 hours without any dry patches. (I am combination skin)

注意, 這個粉底因為不是密封包裝,不宜囤貨太多. 因為放久了, 粉餅會有點小乾裂. (看看我的REFILL 的邊邊就會明白)

One special point to note is able the packaging of the founpact. As the founpact is not in sealed packing, I do not recommend to stock up. Since there would be little cracks when you put the founpact for too long. (See the edge of  the refill founpact for reference)

整體, 這個粉底表現不錯. 十分適合秋冬至春天用. 夏天的話, 只合短時間外出或留在室內.

Overall, this founpact is pretty impressive. It is totally a cooler / dryer weather foundation. If you wish to use it during summer time, you would better stay indoor!

P.S.上網看到有2015 年新一代粉底,有點心動想試試看~!

P.S.  There is an improved version of the water essence founpact, I really want to buy and try!

