
[ Swatch 試色圖] 外國開架品牌 SLEEK 眼影盤 - Storm

上次講了Vintage Romance, 今次看Storm. (如果想看Vintage Romance 的試色,可以按此) Sleek 家的眼影有多紅,我不多說了. 看以下試色吧~!

I have talked about Vintage Romance and did some swatch before. We are talking about Storm for today! (If you have missed the blogpost about Vintage Romance, please click here!) I believe I do not have to mention how popular Sleek is in the makeup world. Let's see the swatch below!

Top Row: Earth Tone
Bottom Row: cold tone
Storm是很長青及很受歡迎的色號.上排6色是啡紅調的大地色下排6色是冷色系的深藍,墨綠.這個STORM 其實都很跳TONE. 因為大地色與冷色有所對比日常化妝可以多用上排的大地色下排的冷色可以用作EYELINE 或放在下眼線一個眼影盤,化出來的妝容可濃可淡難怪會成為一個如此POPULAR 的色號!

Storm is one of the popular palettes among the collection. It is well known for the shadow variety as it is a mix of neutral brown shades and cool toned purple / blue shades. The top row consists of neutral colour for the ease of daily usage while the bottom row can be used for lower eye line or put on the outer-v area. If you focus on using the bottom row, it gives you a very glamorous look. I LOVE the variety of the palette!!!

總的來說,眼影盤的配色都很美眼影顯色度高粉質很BUTTERY, 很順滑閃色 / SATIN FINISH 的表現令我很意外. 感覺得美,閃粉粒很細緻matte 色系的好似比較不太易推開. 不過以性價比,我是真心推的值得一試!

Overall, the eye shadow are highly pigmented, a little goes a long way. It’s very smooth and buttery. I am very impressed with the shimmery / satin finish colours. The shimmer particles are very subtle. Yet some of the matte shade tend to have fall outs / not easy to blend. However, its price is totally unbeatable! For around HK$90, it is usually for the prize of quad and yet you are getting 12 colour eye shadow palette!

有興趣的,可以直接到SLEEK官網訂購官網提供INTERNATIONAL DELIVERY, 但要收取一定運費. (運費都很合理~) 如果怕官網的色圖有色差,大家可以再自行上網再爬文看看~

If you would like to try their product, you might go to local Boots or go to Sleek official website (provide international delivery)! As the reference photo on official website are not quite true to colour, I highly suggest view swatch from other bloggers too!

