
[ 敗家 ] 一百日禁敗( SHOPPING BAN ) (卷四)

一百日之內,不可以買化妝品, 護膚品及衣服~ (免費試用,禮物,手信則例外)
當然, 用完的東西, 而又沒有代替品的,就可以補買~~~
完成一百日後,可以有獎勵! (尚未想到有甚麼獎勵…….)
假如我在SHOPPING BAN 期間犯規, 每花HK$100, 就得延長我的SHOPPING BAN 一天.

No purchase of makeup, skincare and clothes for 100 DAYS! ( Free sample , gift from friends are allowed).
Re-purchase of stuff is allowed only if NO substitute of certain kind of products.
I would give myself a big treat after the shopping ban! (um…. I am still thinking my treat~)
If I ever break my shopping ban rule, for every HK$100 I spent, I need to extend my ban by one day.

開始日: 2015223  (Start date: 23 FEB, 2015)
結束日: 201563 (End date: 03 JUN, 2015)

早前禁敗update (Previous Shopping Ban Update!)
[ 敗家 ] 一百日禁敗( SHOPPING BAN ) (卷三)


326 (26 th MAR)

很感動,很難捱…..想不到原來SHOPPING BAN 是這麼難捱的. 每天返工,放工,經過商場,都很想買東西. 經過萬寧, WATSONS , SASA, 卓悅都會別過頭來, 眼不見為乾淨. 有時會心癢癢入去行一個圈.但都只是WINDOW SHOPPING, 沒有買東西! (真的為自己而驕傲!)

It’s such a LONG week for me. I didn’t expect shopping ban is such a hard task to go through. When I passed by the mall every day, I felt even harder to resist! Most of the time I would just turned my head away... I often did window shopping to see what’s new in the store. However, I did not buy a single thing! Isn’t it amazing!? I am pretty proud of myself!

真的有令我覺自己思考需要(NEEDS)和慾望(WANTS/ DESIRES).許多東西, 明明已經有. 但偏偏想要得到更多.眼影控如我, 一直鬼打牆的買大地色眼影.(家人都好奇到底我有多少雙眼睛….!?)  我相信所有化妝品控/文具控的人是明白的~! 但作為美妝客,很難沒有這種慾望.不過, 一切都要適可而止.

During the shopping ban, I start to think about my needs and wants / desires. I already own a lot of stuff, indeed I still feel the urge to buy more! For example, I LOVE to buy earth tone / nude colour eye shadow, or eye shadow in general. I have accumulated lots of eye palettes at home which more that I really need. I believe all beauty guru have the similar symptom as I do! Once in a while, we do need to satisfy our desires but just need to make sure not getting over it.

這幾天,雖然沒有自購物品.但我親愛的母親大人雪中送炭!!!!!!!! 因為Shiseido  有會員積分,她為我換了WHITE LUCENT 洗面乳及TONER. 我有用這個系列, 因為有點小乾, 夏天用比較合適! 希望夏天前可以用完手邊的產品.可以用到這個WHITE LUCENT 系列!

Even I didn’t buy anything by myself, I still got some new products! My lovely mom spending her Shiseido members points to redeem the white lucent toner & face cleanser for me! I had used the White Lucent range, and felt it’s a bit drying. However, it is totally suitable to use in Summer time. I wish I can finish the stuff on hand and open these products by summer!

由於太想太想買東西, 我想我要draft 一下一個to buy list / to do list .  好好寫低有甚麼想買, 以作shopping ban 後的獎勵!! 一百日禁敗過了一約三分一,真的要好好加油!

To suppress my desires / urge of spending money, I think I should write down a to buy list / to do list. This would be my treat after the shopping ban challenge! ONE THIRD of the 100 Days Shopping Ban has passed, I hope I can keep it up!

To buy list / To do List

n   Beauty blender :
n   化妝掃 (Makeup brushes)
n   Jo Malone Cologne
n   Nars - The NARSissist Eyeshadow Palette
n   Afternoon Tea



在大約2014年尾, STILA因為20 週年,推出了一系列名為EYES ARE THE WINDOW 的眼影盤分別有BODY , MIND , SPIRITSOUL.上網爬文看了不少SWATCH.

I believe I am late for the Stila Eyes are the Window party! But better late than never. I have been doing research and reviewing the swatch online

BODY – 紫藍色調àADVENTUROUS, 很怕會變成牛眼淚.
MIND – 啡紅色調à當中有橙紅色好像比較難HANDLE
SPIRIT – 大地色à安全色系
SOUL – 大地色à安全色系 X 2

Body: blue green tone, it’s a bit too adventurous for me.
Mind: reddish brown tone, I am not sure if I can handle these colour well (especially the vivid orangey red colour)
Spirit: earth tone nude colour
Soul: earth tone nude colour

SOUL SPIRIT 之中掙扎……..最後決定買SPIRIT! (堅定~~~!) 其實整個眼影盤中最期待就是右上角的Berry color. (那陣子十分迷戀酒紅系眼影不停尋找……….)

I am an earth tone girl and I was struggled of whether choosing Spirit or Soul palette. Eventually I decided to buy the Spirit. Recently, I am obsessed with any eye shadow in burgundy tone. Therefore, I was super excited towards to berry plum eye shadow in the palette.


很喜歡這金光閃閃的PACKAGING, 但會有點容易有指膜印在上面.而打開後,有一個得大的鏡子,去旅行時十分方便~
I love the gloden reflective packaging, but this kind of plastic would easy make your finger printed on this package. I also like the big mirror on the packaging which makes this palette even more travel friendly!

在沒有用打底的情況下,都可以見到顏色很飽和,輕輕一擦已經十分顯色總的來說顯色度不錯,都算是TRUE TO COLOUR.而且眼SHADOW 分量都不錯,都算是GOOD VALUE.
The swatch shown is WITHOUT primer. You may see the vivid colour payoff with just one swipe! Overall, the eyeshadow texture is smooth and buttery. The colour payoff is good and true to colour. I consider it is pretty good value with this generous amount of eye shadow.

我是在LOOK FANTASTIC 上買的有興趣可以上去看看~
For those who are interested to try this eyeshadow, you might check out at look fantastic website!


[開箱] 博客來。直送到港 (至3月31日)

不算是愛書之人, 但博客來百貨開通,除書本以外,有許多百貨都可以送來香港. 基本上一,兩日後即可以之前選定的7-11取貨! (我都入手了幾本書及一包意仁水! )

由即日起至331日前,購買5 件以上貨品即可免運費直送到港.(貨物體積及重量限制分別為:30cm x 25cm x 20 cm以及5 kg以下)



[ 敗家 ] 一百日禁敗( SHOPPING BAN ) (卷三)

一百日之內,不可以買化妝品護膚品及衣服~ (免費試用,禮物,手信則例外)
完成一百日後,可以有獎勵! (尚未想到有甚麼獎勵…….)
假如我在SHOPPING BAN 期間犯規每花HK$100, 就得延長我的SHOPPING BAN 一天.

No purchase of makeup, skincare and clothes for 100 DAYS! ( Free sample , gift from friends are allowed).
Re-purchase of stuff is allowed only if NO substitute of certain kind of products.
I would give myself a big treat after the shopping ban! (um…. I am still thinking my treat~)
If I ever break my shopping ban rule, for every HK$100 I spent, I need to extend my ban by one day.

開始日: 2015223  (Start date: 23 FEB, 2015)
結束日: 201563 (End date: 03 JUN, 2015)

早前禁敗update (Previous Shopping Ban Update!)
[ 敗家 ] 一百日禁敗( SHOPPING BAN ) (卷二)


真心覺得想尖叫我真的不敢相信我可以撐過這個WEEKEND. 因為朋友從外國回來,這個WEEKEND, 陪了她到TST SHOPPING. 到了TST, 經過BEAUTY COUNTER, 都忍不住WINDOW SHOPPING 了一下.但當然沒有真金白銀買啦!, 不過為了滿足購物慾,去了FRESH 換領了一些SAMPLE!

I want to scream from the bottom of my heart! I couldn’t believe I have survived the weekend without breaking the rules. As my friend just went back from the States, I accompanied her to do a little shopping. I did went to some beauty counter for window shopping, but I didn’t buy anything! I went to fresh and redeem some samples to try out their products. (Maybe this ease my craving for shopping……)

因為很想用新東西的關係, “翻箱倒籠地整理了SKINCARE MAKEUP 的存貨我發現有許多面霜,相信可以用上一整年(我當時在想甚麼,一張臉怎可能用得完…….) 從存貨中找到我之前在泰國買的SNAIL WHITE, 開了來用希望可以減淡我的暗瘡印及美白一下.

To further ease of shopping mood, I tried to dig into my pile of skincare and make up. I found that I have quite a few stock on face cream. ( I am totally a face cream hoarder!!!!) Therefore, I opened the snail white face cream which I bought form Bangkok earlier. I hope it is able to improve my acne scar and whitening my complexion.

之前在SEPHORA  訂了好一些東西,再託我的朋友由美國帶給我.(其實是在12月訂的東西我都快忘記我到底訂了甚麼). 很高興又有新玩具”!!!!! 如果有時間,可以出一篇HAUL 文跟大家分享一下~

As my friend just come back from the States, she brought my long-waited Sephora Haul products to me. I was pretty overwhelmed about the stuff. (It was an order placed in December which I can hardly recall what I have purchased.) I hope I would have time for another unboxing / haul blog post soon.


I am so proud of myself for this week’s performance. I would keep it up and hope I can survive for remaining days! (It’s still quite a long way to go…….)