經過black friday, cyber monday, chritsmas 一連串的購物日,近來的購物意慾開始下降了.但早前都入手了幾樣野.
(English: After the never ending sales event of Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas, it is time to stop spending~! Indeed, I am here to share my recent haul.....)
Tangel Teezer x Lulu Guinness special version |
fingershopping 入手的有tangle teezer 及loveisderma 的 雙效維他命B保濕精華 (hydramax serum). tangle teezer, 我知道在坊間有很多dupe, 但真正的tangle teezer ,用料質地比較好,刷頭用上很久都不會有彎或變型的問題,所以是值得買正貨的~! loveisderma 是我一直想入手的,之前剛剛用完了AHC 的B5 gel, 所以買這個 LOVEISDERMA 比較一下~!
(English: Tangle Teezer and Loveisderma's Hydramax Serum are purchased from Fingershopping. There are lots of dupes / cheaper version of tangle teezer, indeed I think it is totally worth purchase as the material are better. Those bristles are more sturdy and not easy to be bended or changing shapes. Recently, I have just used up a AHC B5 gel, thats why I would like to try the loveisderma one for comparison purpose.)
手滑....在MANNINGS 買了AHC 的eye cream, 初步上手,很易推開,吸收都算快. HK$69, 都值得一試!
(English:Totally impulse purchase from Mannings, the AHC eye cream. It is quite easy to absorb due to its gel texture. HK$69 for one is worth trying!!)