
[大掃除 Declutter ]底妝產品整理 ( Foundation Declutter)

上次做了指甲油整理, 算是一個好開始~! 想了很久,下一個目標應該是甚麼. 我選了底妝產品 (即所有BB CREAM, CC CREAM 粉底液). 因為好一些,我本來都想丟掉,正好在此分享一下. 有一些是近期愛用的,正好做一下MINI REVIEW.

I have done the Nail Polish Declutter , I think I had a good start on my declutter journey! Here comes another declutter post with my Foundation which include all my BB Cream , CC Cream , and liquid foundation!! I am planning to get rid of some and its is perfect timing for this blog post~!

粉底液 - 由左至右 (Foundation – From left to right)
Rimmel wake me up foundation (SPF 15) – 103 True Ivory
Clio Kill Cover Realest Wear Moist Foundation  (SPF 35 / PA++) – 03 Linen
Dior Eclat Satin Miosture Release Statin Makeup - 200
MAC Mineralise Moisture SPF 15 Foundation (SPF 15) – NC15
Burberry Velvet Foundation – 201 Trench

我覺得自己選的粉底都沒有選對, 因此,我都是混出自己合用的顏色來用. SO FAR, 很喜歡這5 FOUNDATION 的感覺.

I have NO LUCK in choosing the right foundation color, sol I am mixing different foundation for daily use. So far, I love the finish and coverage of these 5 foundation~!

BB Cream - 由左至右 (BB Cream – From left to right)
Full Cover BB Cream – 02 Natural Beige
Shu Uemura BB Perfector ( SPF 30 / PA++)
Lioele triple the soloution BB Cream ( SPF 30 / PA++) – No. 3
Hanskin Primer Velvet BB Cream
Hanskin Smart Total BB Cream – No. 1

BB Cream 一向都是上面會偏白,不過都總算接受到. 有一些,已經比較舊, 要看看有沒有朋友收留. 很愛full cover coverage finish. 而其他的則沒有大感覺.

BB Cream tend to be pale / lighter skin tone. However, some of the products are pretty old. I LOVE the coverage and finish of Full Cover one, and I don't have much feeling / comment on the others.

CC Cream - 由左至右 (CC Cream – From left to right)
MAC Pre+Prime Colour Correcting (SPF 30 / PA++) - Adjust
HERA CC Cream – 01 pink beige

買過HERA ,都知道CC CREAM 真的沒有COVERAGE, 不會很適合我. (因為有太多印要遮,要有一定的COVERAGE). 這些是會在CASUAL DAY , 又或者MIX FOUNDATION / BB CREAM .

CC Cream has NO COVERAGE at all, or not as high as I am demanding. ( Since I have too many flaws need to cover up, I demand certain coverage) I would use these during casual day or mix it with my foundation / BB cream.

Dior Eclat Satin Miosture Release Statin Makeup - 200
很少買專櫃品牌. 這個是在SASA 買的, 買回來時,覺得已經變了味. 不過, 一直都沒有退回去. ( 我覺得自己好笨….)

I rarely purchase high-end foundation. I bought this in SaSa, however, I felt it already turned bad when I purchased. (there is a strange smell from the foundation) and I was DUMP enough for not returning the product…

Lioele triple the soloution BB Cream ( SPF 30 / PA++) – No. 3  
因為看到這個很受外國YOUTUBER 歡迎就買了.不過, 我覺得顏色好像不太對, 而且這個GEL TEXTURE 好似有點怪怪的.

As lots of youtuber raved about this, I bought it to try it out. However, I kind of bought the wrong colour and I am not a big fan of its gel texture.

Hanskin Primer Velvet BB Cream & Hanskin Smart Total BB Cream – No. 1
買了一段日子,會試用一下. 如果不喜歡, 會轉贈朋友 

I would give a try of these BB cream and will pass on to my friend if I don’t like it.

HERA CC Cream – 01 pink beige
已經用光光~! 可以丟了! 詳情可以看[Empties ] 用光光 June 2015 (Part 1)

It is already emptied!! Click here to check for details  [Empties ] 用光光 June 2015 (Part 1)!

我今次掉了5 PRODUCT!!!!!!! ( 我本來只有” 12 PRODUCT, 那差不多是一半~!!!) 真的為自己感到驕傲! YEAH! 我要努力做大掃除及整理~! (因為這樣,就可以買更多新東西了…..~~~~~)

I have 12 products and I am getting rid of 5! It is about 50% down of my collection~! I am pretty proud of myself~! Just keep it up and clear room for new products!


[ Swatch 試色圖] 外國開架Makeup Revolution Iconic 3 眼影盤

這個是SUPER DRUG 網購的戰利品! 今次要試的是和Urban Decay Naked 3 十分相似的Makeup Revolution Iconic 3. ( 我看到許多人的試色圖,都覺得很相似.) 因為我手邊沒有Urban Decay Naked 3, 所以未能比較. 不過,這個Makeup Revolution Iconic 3只是GBP 4, 好抵玩!

This is part of the Superdrug haul! This is the Makeup Revolution Iconic 3 palette, which is considered as the dupe of Urban Decay Naked 3. ( if you search for the swatches, you would agree with its similarity too!) Unfortunately, I do not own the Urban Decay Naked 3, I am not able to do the comparison. Indeed, the Makeup Revolution Iconic 3 Palette is just GBP4, it is totally worth trying!

這個是玫瑰金色系的眼影, 一見到ROSE GOLD 就覺得很夢幻!一打開,見到附有一個雙頭海綿刷. (不過,我相信我永遠都不。會。用!) 左邊幾個顏色很玫瑰TONE; 右邊幾個顏色是近自然咖啡色帶點紫調. 因為怕眼腫,一直怕這種粉紅調的眼影.不過,這個眼影盤的配色很好,粉紅TONE 加上深啡色,可以減少浮腫的感覺. (根本是NAKED 3 的配色嘛….)

The Iconic 3 is a 12-colour eye shadow palette in rose gold tone. (I know Rose Gold is a THING to lots of beauty guru, so am I !) There is a duo ended sponge applicator with the palette that I do not intend to use at all. The 6 eye shadow from the left are more rosy pink tone; the remaining 6 are more in dark plum / brown shades. I am not a fan of pink / rosy eye shadows as they tend to make my eyes look puffier. However, the colour combination of this palette is a good balance of rosy shades and contour darker shades! ( It is literally the same colour of Naked 3!)

老實說,本來對這個眼影不抱太大期望. 但一上手,粉質比我想像中好. 帶閃粉的顏色都很美,很顯色, 不算太飛粉.MATTE 色有點結塊, 不易推開. 可以看到圖中,一推已經有一塊塊, 使用時要小心. OVERALL,粉質及顯色度都不會給人一種廉價感.

I was not expect getting anything for just GBP4. The pigmentation and texture of this palette is far better than I expected! The Shimmery shades are very opaque and easy to blend. The shimmer particles are very small and delicate. The Matte shades are a bit patchy and not as opaque. You can tell there is some piece of fall out from the swatch. Extra care is needed when applying the matte shades. Overall, the texture and pigmentation is still on the nice side.

Makeup Revolution 的粉質及持久力一定不會及得上大品牌一樣BUTTERY, 但我覺得好一些開架品牌(例如KATE)都比這個好. 不過,這個價錢,即使只求顏色相似,已經很抵玩!

The texture and lasting power can hardly compared with those luxurious brand. I would say some of the drugstore brand have a better quality eye shadow too! To be frank, you cannot expect much as this price point. I would say it is already worth the price to get its colour matched with the Urban Decay Naked 3.


One point to note, this palette is made in PRC. This might be an important point to consider before you purchase.



眼見快要過SHOPPING BAN, 恰巧朋友又到英國旅行.所以托朋友給我買了以下的東東. 本來是想買一枝Foundation及試一下Makeup Revolution的產品.最後,有點小失控…..

It was ALMOST the end of my shopping ban, and my friend went to London for a short trip. I asked her to help me get some stuff from superdrug. I was intended to buy ONE liquid foundation and some Makeup Revolution product. Indeed, things have gone a little bit out of control….

 (價錢是以英鎊計算 Price listed are in GBP)

Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum Foundation (果療精華啫喱) #52 Vanille
Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation(果療無厚持久粉) # 53 Light Beige
 當時在做promotion, 是第二件半價.所以兩枝合共是15. 因為隔山買牛,所以買了兩個色號.我手邊有許多粉底都過白,如果這個太黑,可以用來調色一下~!

There was a buy one get one half off promotion; I bought two foundations for around 15GBP. Since I was not able to try the colour, I have bought 2 different shades. Since I have quite a lot foundation looks too pale on me, I can mix the foundation if it is too dark to use alone.

Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder Transparent 1

I have one on hand and already used for a month. Quite like its finishing and lasting power. This is a backup.

Makeup Revolution - I Heart Eye Shadow Palette Death By Chocolate
Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 3 
Makeup Revolution這個BRAND,好像很不錯.經常會出一些大品牌的DUPE.這次買的,I Heart Eye Shadow Palette Death By Chocolate (Too Faced Chocolate Bar dupe) Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 3 (Urban Decay Naked 3 dupe).

Makeup Revolution used to release dupes of bigger makeup brand. I have bought two palettes from the collection. I Heart Eye Shadow Palette Death By Chocolate is consider the dupe of Too Face Chocolate Bar. Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 3 is also know as the dupe of Urban Decay Naked 3.

這個Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 3, 我是室內拍攝,燈光有點不足, 要用上閃光,才比較顯出它的粉紅tone. (好美~~!)

Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 3 is pinky / rose gold shade. I need to use flash to obtain a better colour show through the camera.

MUA Eye shadow Palette Hall of Fame
MUA Prime & Conceal Correcting Cream Solo Green 209
MUA Prime & Conceal Correcting Cream Solo Peach 247
MUA Limited Edition 5th Birthday Palette Multi 797

這基本上是一個意外,本來只想買一個眼影,試一下.之後,看到concealer, 好像都不錯~!之後,因為買滿額,所以送了一個五週年眼影盤 - MUA Limited Edition 5th Birthday Palette Multi 797.

I want to say, I was not planning to try MUA products. I was expected to buy ONE eye shadow palette. But I end up adding 2 more concealer. I got the MUA Limited Edition 5th Birthday Palette Multi 797 for FREE as it is gift with purchase.


[ Empties ] 用光光 June 2015 (Part 2)

沒有看到用光光的上集? 可以按此~!由於我覺得之前的分享方式令到文章太長,所以這次盡量簡短一點~!

In case you’ve missed the part 1 of the Empties, please click here! To avoid the super duper long rambling of products, I would try to be precise in below sharing~!

#6 SOFINA Primavista 持久控油底霜(Long Keep Base UV)
推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)
一定會~!這個妝前底霜.顏色是淺粉紅色, 推開後會是無色.質地傾向水狀, 很易推.推開後不會有黏黏的感覺! 夏天用這個base, 感覺會比較保持到妝容.如果在專櫃買,好像要HK$2xx,COLOURMIX,大約HK$100一枝~!美中不足是防曬度數只有SPF 20 / PA++. 夏天好像不夠用~! 還是建議要再塗防曬!

Definitely on my re-purchase list!!!  This product has a pinky undertone, but it turn into translucent when it’s blended into the skin. It is pretty watery therefore easy to blend. I love the finishing as it would not leave any greasy feeling. I feel that it is totally suitable for summer time as it is able to keep the makeup in placed. It is around HK$2xx if you buy this as the beauty counter. However, it is a LOT cheaper in Colourmix stores (approx.. HK$1xx) ~! One point to note is it is having a lower SPF ( SPF 20 / PA++) which is not sufficient for summer time! I suggest to put sunscreen underneath~!

#7 Laneige 水庫凝肌再生精華 (Water bank essence _ Ex)
推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)
一定會回購! (不過要先用完我手邊的SKINCARE…) 這個精華質地是厚身,但推開後覺得很溫和,又易吸收. 我用的時候,正正有敏感,不停出粒粒,暗瘡.用了這個之後,覺得皮膚比較穩定. 假如有過敏反應,都可以試一試這個~!
Totally worth repurchase! (after use up my skincare stash. )It is in a thicker consistency for essence with Laneige signature scent. It is mild and able to save me from my imbalance skin condition. I used this during my massive breakout period. It helps to calm down the situation a bit. Very easy to blend and sink into the skin quickly without any greasy feeling. If you are struggling with any allergic situation, you may give it a try!

#8 Philosophy full of promise eye cream
推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)
這個眼霜沒有拉提緊緻的效果, 基本上沒有甚麼特別之處.同使,雙頭設計有夠煩.塗個眼霜還要分眼蓋,眼肚.這個不會回購~!
Nothing special for this eye cream. I am not able to see any lifting / firming effect from this product. I also was not used to the duo end design which use different eye cream on upper eye lid & lower eye area.I won’t put into the repurchase bucket list!

#9 LUNA 自動追色爆水粉底 Water Essence Founpact
推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)
因為早前已經出了文,不多作交待. (按此) 不過這個粉底,的確不錯. 只是沒有大家口中這麼”. 知道出了2015 新版本. 可能會買新一代試試看~!

There is mini review for the product (click here). I would say this product is pretty impressive indeed it is not as magical as it claim. There is improved 2015 version for the founpact, I am interested to get one!
#10 Dr Wu  海洋膠原保濕乳 (Dr Wu. Extra Hydrating lotion with aqua-collagen)
推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)

性質溫和,補濕力尚可,易吸收.用後沒有太大感覺, 不會回購. ( 可能到台灣會買, 但香港定價太貴.)

It is mild with average moisturizing effect. I love its consistency as it is easy to absorb. Not a big fan of it and would not repurchase. ( I would probably buy it if I travel to Taiwan. The listed price in Hong Kong is a bit too high)

#11 Aussie 3 Minute Miracle (Shine)
推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)
喜歡這個擠擠瓶設計,使用方便因為頭髮太乾,幾乎隔日就用. 雖說是MEGA SHINE,就沒有覺得頭髮特別明亮.3分鐘深層修護, 用後頭髮很順滑,減少鐵線頭的現象.雖然香港價位不太親民,不過都值得回購!

I love this squeeze tube packaging which is easy to store and easy to use. Since I have very dry frizzy hair, I used this every other day. (sometimes, I used daily). I do not see any extra shine to my hair after using this product. However, my hair is deeply moisturized and less frizzy. After using this treatment, I feel my hair very smooth. Even it is a little pricy in Hong Kong, it is still worth for repurchase!

#12 Liz Earle cleanse and polish hot cloth cleanser
推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)

喜歡這個CLEANSER, 詳情可以看[ MINI REVIEW 短評] 平價版EVE LOM!? - Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish. 這個冬天用真的一流! 夏天時,真的要小心使用 (我很怕會出暗粒…) 不過,絕對會回購!!!

There is a blog post about Liz Earle mini review. This is PERFECT for winter time but I am afraid to use it during summer time. ( I afraid it would trigger bump / breakout…) However, I would totally repurchase this for winter time!

#13 Pair A 暗瘡膏 (Acne treatment)
推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)
一定會! (長期有BACKUP 在家中) 好處不用說了,大家到日本就買這個東東吧~!
Totally REPURCHASE! ( I use to have back up at my home too!) I am not rambling about its benefit and effectiveness, you guys totally need to try this!