
[ Empties ] 用光光 June 2015 (Part 1)

一向沒有習慣儲起用光光的產品. 但近來又一次過用光了好些東西, 所以便想做一個BLOG POST 分享一下. (由於有一些已然丟掉了, 所以借用官網的照片作參考.)

Recently, I feel many products just ran out at the same time. I think it is a good timing for writing a short product review of those products. I did not use to collect / store the empties items, therefore some of the product reference photo are copied from official website.

#1 Banila Co. Brush Cleanser
定期清潔化妝掃是常識吧. 但我相信, 像我一樣喜歡化妝,但又討厭清潔化妝掃的人會有很多吧.這個BRUSH CLEANSER 真的是我的好幫手.可以輕易洗走化妝掃上的化妝品, 而且不傷化妝掃.! 這件好物是在SASA 買的, 大約HK$90. 假如不是高用量,大概用到10次以上.  (我每次會洗大約6枝眼影掃及4枝大化妝掃). 感覺用後化妝掃乾得很快, 即使是FACE BRUSH, 5-6個小時已經乾透. (不過我想這大概是心理作用吧!)

Every beauty guru knows they need to clean the makeup brushes regularly. Yet I am one of the beauty guru who hate this chore. Using this product helps me cleaning my brush in a few swipe. It won’t do damage to your brushes and leave a fresh scent on the brushes. I love this product so so much! I bought it at SASA and cost me around HK$90. It is quite decent amount which can last for 10+ washes. ( I washed around 6 eye brushes and 4 bigger / face brushes at one time)

推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)

我真的很愛這個PRODUCT. 但價錢上, 我覺得可以找到更便宜的. ($12店或者DIY , 清潔效果都不錯喔~!)

I love this product so so much. However, I believe there are cheaper alternative in the market. (I used the brush cleanser at $12 store or by DIY, they both work pretty well!)

#2  來自星星的你 - Mise en scene 美髮油 (Hair Treatment Oil)
這個是早前很火紅的星星美髮油”! 一開始, 覺得這個美髮油很難吸收, 用後有油膩感. 頭髮好像會糊在一起.之後, 嘗試減少便用分量 (減至只用一泵).發現這個HAIR OIL 的可愛之處了! 我每天洗頭過,會把它塗在半濕的頭髮上. 雖然因為這個油質感比較厚重, 但很快吸收.用後覺得頭髮很柔順,減少了毛躁感.這種又厚又粗的長髮都只是要一泵,用量很省.一枝大約可以用上 34 個月!

At first, I was not fond of this hair oil as I think the oil is not able to absorb into my hair and leaving greasy feeling. But then, I tried to use less amount from 2 - 3 pump to 1 pump (My hair is very thick and long, and extremely dry). This hair oil is pretty nice and consider light weighted. I usually use it on my damp hair after shower. A little goes a long way thus you only need 1 pump. I love the effect of this hair oil as it help reducing fizziness of my hair.

推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)

這個HAIR OIL 價錢很相宜,而效果都甚得我歡心.用後就會明白為甚麼這枝HAIR OIL 會受人追捧. 這件產品勝在性價比高.用完手邊的MACADMIA OIL 之後,會考慮回購~!

This is kind of drug store products, and I am pretty impressed by its effect. I would say the result of using this hair oil is pretty nice and I totally believe this product worth the hype. Would I repurchase? I will consider repurchase this after I used up my Macadamia Oil Hair treatment oil~!

#3 Fresh - Black Tea Age-Delay Eye Concentrate (Deluxe Sample)
很厚身,很濃稠的乳霜,不過很快就吸收, 用後沒有很油膩的感覺.但用完一個Deluxe sample , 沒有明顯緊緻/ 抗皺/去紋的感覺. 但這個眼霜,冬天使用都夠滋潤!

It’s in a thick creamy texture yet I didn’t feel greasy. Not much improvement after using one pot of the eye concentrate. No firming effect / anti-aging effect yet still feel enough moisture during winter.

推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)

不會回購. 以這個價位,應該有更好的表現.但這個眼霜的效果不甚明顯,不值這個價位~!

To me, it is an average eye cream. I WILL NOT buy full size as the effect does not justify for its price.

#4 Hera CC Cream – 01 pink beige

這個被人喻為PHOTOSHOP EFFECT CC CREAM, 令人有很大期望! 不過我選錯了顏色,這個用上後偏白.而且,這個色TONE有點怪,在我身上不大討好. 遮瑕度低,很透薄,是有點DEWY FINISH~.如果肌膚沒有太大問題,用這個就可以了.但我完全不行~! (因為有太多點點/印要遮…T^T). 不防水,不控油.比較適合乾肌.或許期望過高,對這個有點失望~!

Lots of beauty guru RAVED about this product. It claimed to be the CC cream which bring you photoshoped effect. ( which means can cover your flaws and even skin tone) I had so much hope on this product! I chose the wrong colour, this is a bit too pale for my complexion. It is very light weight and low coverage with dewy finish. If your skin is flawless, you are good to go. However, I still need lots of concealer on top as to cover my acne scars / dark spots. Not much effect on oil control / water resistant, this is totally an over-hyped product!

推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)


If you need some tinted moisturizer / don’t have much flaws needed to cover, you certainly can go for it! For me, I won’t repurchase this product~!

#5 Bioré UV Aqua Rich BB UV SPF50+ PA++++碧柔水凝光感透薄BB防曬霜  (自然肌色)

喜歡這個包裝,可以把產品用光光~!我會把這個BB防曬霜當在妝前底霜或是在LAZY DAY 當在防曬霜.這個是膚色的霜狀,感覺很輕身,很透薄.因為是膚色,用後可以提亮及均勻膚色. 不過, 真的不要寄望可以有任何遮瑕度,而且,沒有任何控任力.(我的T-ZONE 很會出油~!) 這個在冬天時可以作為妝前底霜, 但夏天有點不夠力了.不過這個BB防曬霜作為防曬霜都還好.

I LOVE this packaging as it helps squeezing the last drop of the product! I usually use this as makeup base / sunscreen on my lazy day. It is a beige coloured sunscreen without any sunscreen funny smell. It is light-weighted and easy to blend. As it is tinted, it helps to brighten your complexion and even your skin tone. (but please do not expected to obtain any coverage as it is so light-weighted)  I did not like it as a makeup base as it was not able to provide any oil control during summer time. (I have very oily T-zone) However, you would properly like this base if you use it as sunscreen.

推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)

不會回購.感覺如果想單純用作防曬霜,我較喜歡沒有顏色的.如果做妝前底霜,又覺得沒有應有效果.不過,有興趣試同系列的 Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence Water Base(水凝長效保濕防曬乳 SPF50+ PA+++)

I will not repurchase this product as I am not a fan of its effect. If I would like to have a sunscreen lotion, I prefer colourless one. If I am looking for a makeup base, I hope it will have oil control / moisturizing properties. However, this product is not able to deliver any of these. Indeed, I think I would try the Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence Water Base from the same line.

