

上回分享了我的BH COSMETIC 開箱文. <按我!!!> 說過了會做BUBZ BEAUTY BE... PALETTE 的試色圖. BUBZ BEAUTY 是一個香港的BLOGGER , YOUTUBER, 她是一個很可愛,很POSITIVE 的女孩子.大家喜歡的,可以去看看她的YOUTUBE CHANNEL~!

(English: I have just shared my BH Cosmetic haul <click here!> Here come the BUBZ BEAUTY BE... PALETTE swatch. Bubz Beauty is a Hong Kong blogger / youtuber. She is a very bubbly and positive girl. If you are interested, go and check out her youtube channel!)

一盒12色的眼影盤.入面有一塊鏡. 是一個很自然, neutral tone 的顏色,下排有2 個比較特別的顏色, 個暗酒紅/ plum (confident)及一個紫調的粉紅 (kind).看看以下試色圖~! overall, 眼影的質素很高,顏色組合都很好.值得入手~!!!

(English: It is a palette with 12 eye shadows and one compact mirror. Very neutral tone colour selection with pop of colour ( plum - confident and lilac - kind). Overall, the eye shadows are highly pigmented and easy to work with. I can create a few looks with this eye shadow palette. Totally worth purchase!!!)

上排 (上至下 - happy , grateful ,genuine ,optimistic , inspired ,bold): 很自然, 大地色的穩陣顏色組合. Optimistic & Inspired 是啞光的,其他是SHIMMER / SHEER FINISH.

(English: top row from top to bottom -  happy , grateful ,genuine ,optimistic , inspired ,bold: very natural earth tone colour selection. Optimistic & Inspired are matte finish and others are shimmer / sheer finish)

下排(上至下 - charismatic , thoughtful, able, confident, hopeful, kind): 這一行是有趣一點的顏色組合.able 是很美的rose gold. confident 是帶紫的暗酒紅/ blum 色 (啞光). hopeful 是白珠光的sparkle, 可以做光影. kind 是帶有紫調的粉紅.

(English: bottom row from top to bottom -  charismatic , thoughtful, able, confident, hopeful, kind: This is pretty interesting colour selection. Able is a very metallic rose gold; confident is a matte plum colour ; hopeful is white shimmery sparkle and kind is a sheer lilac)


[ 開箱 HAUL ] BH COSMETIC 平價彩妝開箱文!

其實, 這次是因為BUBZ BEAUTY 的BE... palette 才會入手買BH 的.但因為BH COSMETIC太便宜,又要湊免運,就手滑的買了2個BRUSH SET 及4 個彩妝 PALETTE..... (我...面壁去...)

(English: Actually, I went to BH cosmetic website just for Bubz Beauty's Be... Palette. But end up I got 2 brush sets and 4 makeup palette....)

刷具組有Eye Essential - 7 Piece Brush Set(左)及Studded Couture - 12 Piece Brush Set (右). 因為分別是大約US$10 及US$20, 這樣就有19枝化妝掃,我沒有太大的要求, 下次會給大家好好REVIEW.

(English: For brush set, I got Eye Essential - 7 Piece Brush Set(left) and Studded Couture - 12 Piece Brush Set (right). I am not having high expectation on these as I got 19 makeup brushes for under US$30. I will go ahead and have a good test before releasing actual review.)

眼影盤有4 個, 有SHAAANXO x BH 的眼影唇膏盤; BUBZ 的BE.. palette , 88色啞光眼影及28色foil eye shadow.

(English: I have 4 makeup palettes)

88 Matte - Eighty-Eight Color Eyeshadow Palette: 基本上有了這種88色,真的不用買其他任何眼影了.因為我很多的眼影都是有珠光,這個88色,我買了啞光的.顯色度有點HIT & MISS, 但因為不用US$10, 十分抵買~!!!!

(English: 88 Matte - Eighty-Eight Color Eyeshadow Palette: I totally DO NOT need another other eye shadows after purchasing this. I think I have enough shimmer eye shadows so I bought the 88 matte. The colour payoff is a little bit hit and miss. However, I think it is still worth buying consider its low price)

Foil Eyes-28 Color Eyeshadow Palette:相比88色, 這個28色比較小一點.上手的閃粉不算太誇張,是珠光的感覺.單看顯色度不似是這麼便宜的palette, 同樣十分抵買~!!

(English: Foil Eyes-28 Color Eyeshadow Palette: Compared to the 88 matte, the foil eyes is a little more compact.The colour is pretty intense and the shimmer effect are pretty nice. I am pretty delighted for its colour payoff. Money well spent!)

這個SHAAANXO x BH , 是正反兩面的,分別有9個眼影及9個lip colour. 上面有一個protective film.

(English: The SHAAANXO x BH contains 9 eyeshadow and 9 lip colour and both sides have protective film on it)

這個bubz be... palette, 我會另外再做試色.stay tune!!! --> [ Swatch 試色圖 ] BH COSMETIC - BUBZ BEAUTY BE... PALETTE

(English: This is the palette which I wanted to buy at the first place - Bubz Beauty be... palette. I am trying to release a swatch blog post soon. Stay tune!! --> [ Swatch 試色圖 ] BH COSMETIC - BUBZ BEAUTY BE... PALETTE)



很久之前有介紹過KIKO 的產品,當時KIKO 門市還未進駐香港,今日都已經有好幾間分店了.KIKO 家的產品,性價比高,十分抵買. 今日想REVIEW 的是LONG LASTING STICK 眼影筆. ($79 一枝) 近年眼影筆大行其道,因為眼影筆是懶人,出門旅行,新手的佳品~! 我入手了3枝, 分別是06 - GOLDEN BROWN , 21 - PASSION FRUIT 及37 - BURGUNDY.

(English: I have a few blog post about KIKO's products. Here comes the Long lasting stick eye-shadow (HK$79 each) Eye-shadow stick have been very popular these days as it is very convenient , easy to use. I have purchased 3 of the long lasting stick : 06 - GOLDEN BROWN , 21 - PASSION FRUIT and 37 - BURGUNDY)

KIKO 眼影筆是用扭的,筆頭是粗粗的,很難化到很精細的眼影,反而很適合上眼後用手輕輕BLEND 開. 一上手的感覺很顯色,很SMOOTH,眼影要大約1-2分鐘才會乾透,所以有足夠時間做BLENDING.
06 - GOLDEN BROWN : 帶金的啡色, 很有光澤
21 - PASSION FRUIT : 有點帶橙的粉膚色,有少少珠光
37 - BURGUNDY: 酒紅色,比較MATTE
這3個顏色可以單獨使用或是搭配一起, 例如把  06 - GOLDEN BROWN放在眼尾 &  21 - PASSION FRUIT 放在眼頭打亮.

(English: Kiko eye shadow stick is twisted up with a rather large tip, it is hard to have a very precise application of eye shadow. They are made for large area application. I usually use my finger to blend the colour after putting in on my lid. The pencil is very smooth and easy to glide on. The colour is quite intense and opaque when you apply. It takes 1 - 2 mins before the eye shadow is set, that gives me sufficient time for blending.
06 - GOLDEN BROWN : literally golden brown and its a bit metallic.
21 - PASSION FRUIT : peachy skin tone with satin finish
37 - BURGUNDY: deep red burgundy with rather matte finish
These colour can be used alone or together, such as putting 06 - GOLDEN BROWN at the outer v & &  21 - PASSION FRUIT as inner v highlight. )

以上是BLEND 好之後,再做WATER TEST. 眼影BLEND 開後,感覺得自然,不會顯得很PATCHY. 當眼影乾透後,真的是十分防水, 而且不易暈染! 我覺得這個KIKO 眼影筆真的十分抵買~!!

(English: After blending, the colour is less intense. When is it set, it is pretty water proof and smudge proof. I am totally falling for these Kiko long lasting stick!! They are really worth buying~!)

More post about KIKO product
[ Swatch 試色圖] 外國開架KIKO DOUBLE GLAM 眼線筆
[ Swatch 試色圖] 外國開架KIKO眼影 eye shadow


[ Empties ] LUSH 用光光

一直都有用LUSH 的產品, LUSH 家有一個回收計劃, 收集5個清潔的吉盒,就可以換一個FRESH MASK. (記得,只有黑色盒的包裝才可以回收,所以SHAMPOO / SHOWER GEL 就不可以了...)

(English: I have been using LUSH for years. LUSH has a back to LUSH scheme which you can get a fresh mask when you return 5 clean black pot to their stores.I have just recently collected 5 black pots so I am gonna redeem a fresh mask!!!!)

BIG - sea salt shampoo: 我的至愛!!豐盈洗髮露, 很香, 當中又有海鹽,可使秀髮豐盈. 加水揉搓後的泡泡很綿密.
H'Suan Wen Hua - hair moisturizer : 很香的香蕉味, 洗髮前,取適量深層護髮膜均勻塗於乾髮上,待20分鐘後以溫水洗淨,再進行洗護程序。但我覺得很難清洗,用後又沒有太大滋潤感,不值得回購....
cosmetic warrior: 蒜子兵法面膜. 對抗暗瘡、潔淨及紓緩紅腫肌膚, 很有成效但有點小乾.會回購的~!
aqua marina - face cleanser : 海藻壽司洗面膏, 保濕溫和, 可能下次會回購~!
herbalism - face cleanser: 沒有太深印象.

(English: Here come some mini-review of the empties!
BIG - sea salt shampoo: my ALL TIME FAVOURITE!!! I love the scent and the volume it brought to my hair. 
H'Suan Wen Hua - hair moisturizer : Very strong banana scent! You just need to leave it in 20 minutes on your dry hair before wash it off. However, it is super hard to rinse and not very moisturizing. Not a fan of it.
cosmetic warrior: My favorite mask for fighting acne and soothing my skin. It is a bit drying but it is totally worth repurchase for its acne righting power.
aqua marina - face cleanser : very mild cleanser and worth repurchase~!
herbalism - face cleanser: I do not have much impression on this product....LoL)

這次用black pots 換來的是BB Seaweed!! (上圖是已經用過一次....本來是滿滿的~!) 這個是海藻玫瑰面膜, 入面有新鮮海藻可以紓緩及滋養肌膚,用後覺得很補濕,很適合秋冬使用~! 入面有一些粒粒,可溫和地去角質。這個fresh mask 絕對是我的新寵!!!!!!

(English: I redeem BB Seaweed from my 5 empty black pots. I already use once and you can totally tell from the photo above! Very soothing and able to calm my irritating skin. There are some little grain for mild exfoliation. This is totally my new discovery from LUSH and I LOVE IT!!!!)


[ Swatch 試色圖] COLOURPOP 首敗試色

COLOURPOP 一直都在美國很火紅, 因為真的便宜又好用. 令我一直都想試....之前剛好做滿US$50 就全球包郵,所以我入手了幾個眼影.這次總共買了12粒眼影及3枝唇膏筆,來看看以下試色~!

(English: Colourpop has been super popular these years. I always wanted to try and here comes the opportunity for the free international shipping for order over US$50. This is my very first haul / experience with Cololurpop! I have purchased 12 eye shadows and 3 lippie stix. See below for the swatch.)

唇膏筆 (lippie stix), 我買的全都是matte 效果的. 十分顯色,顏色很飽和,而且都很true to colour! 上咀會有點小乾,會顯唇紋,所以要好好打底~! 我所買的唇膏筆是屬於3個不同的色系,3 個都十分愛~!

i <3 this - 帶紅的桃紅色, 會令牙齒顯白.
LBB - 很美,很飽和的紫紅, 上咀會再深一點點, 很秋冬的感覺
BOSSY - 正紅色, 是很剛強的顏色,所以叫bossy 啦~!

(English: Lippie stix are in matte finish. I love their colour intensity and lasting power. They are very true to colour. However, as it is matte finish, it would be a little bit drying. You totally need to moisturize your lips before putting these on. I am totally IN LOVED with these 3 lippie stix! I think I did the right choice in colour selection as I purchased 3 lip colour in different colour spectrum.

i <3 this - very nice reddish fushsia, it helps to make my tooth look brighter.
LBB - very elegant and vivid plum, totally the colour for fall / winter~
BOSSY - vibrant red, very strong and intense. totally bossy~!)

眼影- katheen lights x colourpop 的系列 - Where The Light Is. 是一盒4個眼影的組合. 當中, Cornelious 及glow 是 matte finish, 不太顯色.但作為打底及少少shading 都不俗. blaze 是偏青铜灰色, kathleenlights 是近膚色的古銅色

(English:  katheen lights x colourpop 的系列 - Where The Light Is. It a eyeshadow combo with 4 eyeshadows. Cornelious and Glow are in matte finish, they are not very opac and little bit patchy.Blaze is a bronze with slightly greenish, grayish tone. Kathleenlights is very niche copper colour.

paradox - 暗紅色,是近satin finish
porter - 秋冬大熱的酒紅色系!!酒紅色帶有少量閃粉, 好美~!
Mittens - WARM TONE 的朱古力色, 是matte finish 的.

(English: Left to righr
paradox - dark rich red with satin finish
porter - FALL/ WINTER MUST HAVE! Burgundy red with little shimmer
Mittens - Warm chocolate brown with mate finish)

左至右 (地主系列~全部都有珠光)
lala - 很美的rose gold, 帶有少少珠光.
sequin - 比起lala, 是更顯色, 有點點ROSE GOLD 的感覺
nillionare - 帶有珠光的青銅的眼影.

(English: Left to right (Nude / earth tone series, all with shimmers)
lala - very pretty rose gold with little pearlised shimmer
sequin - bright rose gold
nillionare - greenish bronze shade)

mixed tape - 灰色, 很少很少的珠光, 可以用作blending
truth - satin finish, 膚色.可以用作blending

(English: Left to right
mixed tape - Cool tone grey with very little hint of shimmer, suitable for blending
truth - skin tone with satin finish, suitable for blending)

overall, colourpop 的眼影很值得入手,顯色度夠,持久力亦十分高,但個人比較推薦有珠光的眼影, 因為粉質比較smooth. matte finish 的眼影有結塊感覺....

(English: Overall, I think colourpop eye shadows are worth trying! They are highly pigmented with high lasting power. I would prefer shimmer finish to matte finish ones. The matte finish ones are little bit patchy and less pigmented compared to the shimmery ones.)



聖誕節到了~! 是時候寵愛一下自己~! 入手了LOOK FANTASTIC 的 ADVENT CALENDAR! 由12月1日,每日倒數直到聖誕節!  我相信許多人都知道這個calendar 入面有一個foreo play 及illamasqua 的眼影. 十。分。值。得。入。手~!!! 我想先開這個post, 之後會一一補上25日入面有甚麼的~!! STAY TUNE~!

It's Christmas time!!!! It's time to pamper yourself~! I have bought the Look Fantiastic beauty advent calendar. I bought it as it contains a Foreo play and illamasqua eye shadow! I just want to write this blog post and will reveal all the stuff inside this calendar soon~! Stay Tune!)

[ UPDATE!!! ]

Below is the list of the products inside the advent calendar~!

1. Pixi Glow Tonic 15ml
2. Rituals The Ritual of Sakura Magic Touch Body Cream 70ml
3. Inika Loose Mineral Blush - Blooming Nude 3g
4. This Works Sleep Plus Pillow Spray 5ml
5. Moroccanoil Treatment 15ml
6. Monuskin BB Cream Illuminating Primer SPF15 25ml
7. Nudestix Lip & Cheek Pencil and sharpener - Whisper (full size)
8. REN V-cense Revitalising Night Cream 15ml
9. Ojon Damage Reverse Hair Serum 15ml
10. Ardell eyelashes - Wispies
11. Christophe Robin Regenerating Mask 50ml
12. FOREO Luna Play & FOREO Day Cleanser 15ml
13. Wella OR Oil Reflections Shampoo 50ml
14. Origins Ginzing Energy Boosting Moisturiser 30ml
15. Nuxe Multi-puepose dry oil 10ml
16. Pur Minerals Impact+ Mascara 3.4g
17. Bella Pierre Gel Eyeliner Ebony 1.5g
18. Codage Paris Micro-Peeling Mask 15ml
19. Balance Me Wonder Eye Cream 7ml
20. Redken One United Multi-Benefit Treatment 30ml
21. Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant 13g
22. Molton Brown Pink Perpperpod Body Wash 100ml
23. Ole Henriksen Clean Truth Cleansing Cloths (10pcs)
24. Look Good Feel Better Eye Shading Brush
25. Illamasqua Eye Shadow Palette – Look Fantastic exclusive (full size)


[開箱 HAUL] 又來IHERB 小敗

今次去IHERB 不算買太多東西...

(ENGLISH: I did not spend a lot for this iherb haul, here reveal what I have bought)

REAL TECHNIQUES CORE COLLECTION: 幫朋友訂的. RT 家的刷具一直都有保證, 性價比很高, 如果化妝新手不想投資太多的話,可以考慮一下~!

REAL TECHNIQUES 6 MIRACLE SPONGES : 之前有分享過我入手了RT 的MAKEUP SPONGES (橙色的那一個). 超級好用,而且方便迅速上妝.所以我已經回購了好幾次,見到這次有新的MAKEUP SPONGE 系列, 立即入手~!


About makeup tools!
REAL TECHNIQUES CORE COLLECTION: ordered for my friends. RT has been known for its high quality makeup brushes. If you are new to makeup or do not want to invest a lot on makeup brushes, you definitely should try Real Techniques' brushes! You won't be disappointed!

REAL TECHNIQUES 6 MIRACLE SPONGES: I am a big fan of their orange complexion sponge. it helps blending my foundation super easy! I just noticed that they have released new makeup sponges (the purple and pink ones) so I just decided to grab them all at once!

ECOTOOLS AIRBRUSH CONCEALER BRUSH: I just want a new concealer brush and here comes ECOTOOLS! one of my all time favorite makeup tools brand.)

Aveeno, Active Naturals, Skin Relief 24hr Moisturizing Lotion 是幫朋友訂的....

NOW SOLUTIONS 的MOROCCAN RED CLAY POWDER (170g): 這個,加水混合成為泥狀就可以成為清潔MASK!我見評價都很好,又經常缺貨,所以入手一試~!

Azelique, Age Refining Day Lotion: 想買一枝比較滋潤的面霜, 所以入手一試~!

About Skincare

Aveeno, Active Naturals, Skin Relief 24hr Moisturizing Lotion : ordered for my friends. Aveeno's body lotion / body cream is very moisturizing and totally good for sensitive skin in winter time!

NOW SOLUTIONS MOROCCAN RED CLAY POWDER (170g): mix this powder with water until you get your desired paste. and you will get a very nice cleansing mask~! It is quite hype up in the iherb community. I think it is worth trying~!

Azelique, Age Refining Day Lotion: I would like to get a more moisturzing day lotion so I just give it a try~!)

有興趣可以到IHERB.COM 購買可以用我的折扣碼: PDN381
如果便用折扣碼首次訂購滿 US$40 即減 $10 ; US$ 60 更可有額外 5% off !!!

(ENGLISH: If you are new to IHERB.COM, you may use my discount code: PDN381
You are able to get $10 off when you order over US $40 , and get 5% off when you pruchase over US$60!!)