
[ Empties ] LUSH 用光光

一直都有用LUSH 的產品, LUSH 家有一個回收計劃, 收集5個清潔的吉盒,就可以換一個FRESH MASK. (記得,只有黑色盒的包裝才可以回收,所以SHAMPOO / SHOWER GEL 就不可以了...)

(English: I have been using LUSH for years. LUSH has a back to LUSH scheme which you can get a fresh mask when you return 5 clean black pot to their stores.I have just recently collected 5 black pots so I am gonna redeem a fresh mask!!!!)

BIG - sea salt shampoo: 我的至愛!!豐盈洗髮露, 很香, 當中又有海鹽,可使秀髮豐盈. 加水揉搓後的泡泡很綿密.
H'Suan Wen Hua - hair moisturizer : 很香的香蕉味, 洗髮前,取適量深層護髮膜均勻塗於乾髮上,待20分鐘後以溫水洗淨,再進行洗護程序。但我覺得很難清洗,用後又沒有太大滋潤感,不值得回購....
cosmetic warrior: 蒜子兵法面膜. 對抗暗瘡、潔淨及紓緩紅腫肌膚, 很有成效但有點小乾.會回購的~!
aqua marina - face cleanser : 海藻壽司洗面膏, 保濕溫和, 可能下次會回購~!
herbalism - face cleanser: 沒有太深印象.

(English: Here come some mini-review of the empties!
BIG - sea salt shampoo: my ALL TIME FAVOURITE!!! I love the scent and the volume it brought to my hair. 
H'Suan Wen Hua - hair moisturizer : Very strong banana scent! You just need to leave it in 20 minutes on your dry hair before wash it off. However, it is super hard to rinse and not very moisturizing. Not a fan of it.
cosmetic warrior: My favorite mask for fighting acne and soothing my skin. It is a bit drying but it is totally worth repurchase for its acne righting power.
aqua marina - face cleanser : very mild cleanser and worth repurchase~!
herbalism - face cleanser: I do not have much impression on this product....LoL)

這次用black pots 換來的是BB Seaweed!! (上圖是已經用過一次....本來是滿滿的~!) 這個是海藻玫瑰面膜, 入面有新鮮海藻可以紓緩及滋養肌膚,用後覺得很補濕,很適合秋冬使用~! 入面有一些粒粒,可溫和地去角質。這個fresh mask 絕對是我的新寵!!!!!!

(English: I redeem BB Seaweed from my 5 empty black pots. I already use once and you can totally tell from the photo above! Very soothing and able to calm my irritating skin. There are some little grain for mild exfoliation. This is totally my new discovery from LUSH and I LOVE IT!!!!)

