
[ MINI REVIEW 短評] Look Fantastic 美妝盒 - (2015.01)

看到網上的人把1412月的beauty box 彈到一文不值心想, beauty box 應該會在1月放些好東西去吸引人繼續買.
人總是有犯賤的賭仔心態”.我又犯賤的入手了151心想新一年應該有好運氣了吧. (真的賭仔上身”)

The December 2014 Beauty Box had let many people felt disappointed. I also doubted if beauty box worth the hype. To be frank, look fantastic needs to put something good into the beauty box thus to hooked people up for continues purchase, right? Therefore, I was still hoping to get some goodies and the January 2015 Beauty box.

這次的BEAUTY BOX 沒有令我失望.好些東西雖然是TRIAL SIZE,但都算是DELUXE SAMPLE 了吧.


The January one is a much better box! Here comes the details!

  • Nuxe Masque Creme Fraiche de Beaute 50ml
  • Molton Brown Templetree Body Wash 100ml
  • Philip Kingsley Daily Damage Defence 60ml
  • MyVitamins Energise Tablets, full size pack of 20
  • Gatineau Strategie Jeunesse Eye Pads, 1 pair.
對的又是有SUPPLEMENT, 但這次是FULL SIZE , 心理感覺好多了!還沒有開封但感覺就似是維多VITAMIN C 沖劑.
There is supplement again, yet it’s in full size. It seems more sensible to provide the full size thus to visually see the result.

NUXE Philip Kingsley都是我想試的品牌.我近來迷上了保濕CREAM MASK, 所以NUXE 的這個MASK 來得很合時.Philip Kingsley 的頭髮產品都很吸引!MOLTON BROWN 是令人欣喜的品牌TEMPLE TREE 這個味道十分男性化得要轉贈他人了.

I had my eye on NUXE & Philip Kingsley for quite a long time. These might be the good start of trying their products. The Nuxe mask came just in time as recently I am in the mood of trying moisture mask!Molton Brown is such a luxurious bath product brand. I was thrilled when I saw this in the beauty box! However, the scent of Templetree was a bit woody and masculine. I believe I have to pass this product others.

OVERALL, 這個月的BEAUTY BOX 感覺值回票價了.Good Job!

Overall, I quite love this month beauty box. Good Job for Look Fantastics! Thumbs up!

Click below for the beauty box mini review
[ MINI REVIEW 短評] Look Fantastic 美妝盒 - 2015.02

