
[ Empties ] 用光光 June 2015 (Part 2)

沒有看到用光光的上集? 可以按此~!由於我覺得之前的分享方式令到文章太長,所以這次盡量簡短一點~!

In case you’ve missed the part 1 of the Empties, please click here! To avoid the super duper long rambling of products, I would try to be precise in below sharing~!

#6 SOFINA Primavista 持久控油底霜(Long Keep Base UV)
推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)
一定會~!這個妝前底霜.顏色是淺粉紅色, 推開後會是無色.質地傾向水狀, 很易推.推開後不會有黏黏的感覺! 夏天用這個base, 感覺會比較保持到妝容.如果在專櫃買,好像要HK$2xx,COLOURMIX,大約HK$100一枝~!美中不足是防曬度數只有SPF 20 / PA++. 夏天好像不夠用~! 還是建議要再塗防曬!

Definitely on my re-purchase list!!!  This product has a pinky undertone, but it turn into translucent when it’s blended into the skin. It is pretty watery therefore easy to blend. I love the finishing as it would not leave any greasy feeling. I feel that it is totally suitable for summer time as it is able to keep the makeup in placed. It is around HK$2xx if you buy this as the beauty counter. However, it is a LOT cheaper in Colourmix stores (approx.. HK$1xx) ~! One point to note is it is having a lower SPF ( SPF 20 / PA++) which is not sufficient for summer time! I suggest to put sunscreen underneath~!

#7 Laneige 水庫凝肌再生精華 (Water bank essence _ Ex)
推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)
一定會回購! (不過要先用完我手邊的SKINCARE…) 這個精華質地是厚身,但推開後覺得很溫和,又易吸收. 我用的時候,正正有敏感,不停出粒粒,暗瘡.用了這個之後,覺得皮膚比較穩定. 假如有過敏反應,都可以試一試這個~!
Totally worth repurchase! (after use up my skincare stash. )It is in a thicker consistency for essence with Laneige signature scent. It is mild and able to save me from my imbalance skin condition. I used this during my massive breakout period. It helps to calm down the situation a bit. Very easy to blend and sink into the skin quickly without any greasy feeling. If you are struggling with any allergic situation, you may give it a try!

#8 Philosophy full of promise eye cream
推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)
這個眼霜沒有拉提緊緻的效果, 基本上沒有甚麼特別之處.同使,雙頭設計有夠煩.塗個眼霜還要分眼蓋,眼肚.這個不會回購~!
Nothing special for this eye cream. I am not able to see any lifting / firming effect from this product. I also was not used to the duo end design which use different eye cream on upper eye lid & lower eye area.I won’t put into the repurchase bucket list!

#9 LUNA 自動追色爆水粉底 Water Essence Founpact
推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)
因為早前已經出了文,不多作交待. (按此) 不過這個粉底,的確不錯. 只是沒有大家口中這麼”. 知道出了2015 新版本. 可能會買新一代試試看~!

There is mini review for the product (click here). I would say this product is pretty impressive indeed it is not as magical as it claim. There is improved 2015 version for the founpact, I am interested to get one!
#10 Dr Wu  海洋膠原保濕乳 (Dr Wu. Extra Hydrating lotion with aqua-collagen)
推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)

性質溫和,補濕力尚可,易吸收.用後沒有太大感覺, 不會回購. ( 可能到台灣會買, 但香港定價太貴.)

It is mild with average moisturizing effect. I love its consistency as it is easy to absorb. Not a big fan of it and would not repurchase. ( I would probably buy it if I travel to Taiwan. The listed price in Hong Kong is a bit too high)

#11 Aussie 3 Minute Miracle (Shine)
推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)
喜歡這個擠擠瓶設計,使用方便因為頭髮太乾,幾乎隔日就用. 雖說是MEGA SHINE,就沒有覺得頭髮特別明亮.3分鐘深層修護, 用後頭髮很順滑,減少鐵線頭的現象.雖然香港價位不太親民,不過都值得回購!

I love this squeeze tube packaging which is easy to store and easy to use. Since I have very dry frizzy hair, I used this every other day. (sometimes, I used daily). I do not see any extra shine to my hair after using this product. However, my hair is deeply moisturized and less frizzy. After using this treatment, I feel my hair very smooth. Even it is a little pricy in Hong Kong, it is still worth for repurchase!

#12 Liz Earle cleanse and polish hot cloth cleanser
推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)

喜歡這個CLEANSER, 詳情可以看[ MINI REVIEW 短評] 平價版EVE LOM!? - Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish. 這個冬天用真的一流! 夏天時,真的要小心使用 (我很怕會出暗粒…) 不過,絕對會回購!!!

There is a blog post about Liz Earle mini review. This is PERFECT for winter time but I am afraid to use it during summer time. ( I afraid it would trigger bump / breakout…) However, I would totally repurchase this for winter time!

#13 Pair A 暗瘡膏 (Acne treatment)
推薦 / 回購? (Recommend / Repurchase?)
一定會! (長期有BACKUP 在家中) 好處不用說了,大家到日本就買這個東東吧~!
Totally REPURCHASE! ( I use to have back up at my home too!) I am not rambling about its benefit and effectiveness, you guys totally need to try this!

