
[ MINI REVIEW 短評] Hurraw! Tinted Lip Balm (Black Cherry) 有色潤唇膏(櫻桃)

喜歡TINTED LIP BALM, 因為有少少顏色之餘, 又會有護唇的作用.
IHERB 見到HURRAW! , 因為有機又便宜 (只賣US$3.37), 所以入手一試.

質地偏水潤, 不會太WAXY.
用起來很SMOOTH, 不會啜咀”.
有淡淡的櫻桃氣味,上咀明顯會有淡紅色, 有少許光澤感.
滋潤功效可以維持 2-3 小時.

“it had to hold up to being in a back jeans pocket all day without melting!”
HURRAW! 沒有這個現象.

有興趣可以到IHERB 購買,
可以用我的折扣碼: PDN381
如果便用折扣碼首次訂購滿 US$40 即減 $10 ; US$ 60 更可有額外 5% off !!!


[ MINI REVIEW 短評] Look Fantastic 美妝盒 - 2014.12

外國一早都已經有BEAUTY BOX 概念即是付一定費用,之後可以得到一個BOX PRODUCT. 由於事先不會知道BOX 內的東西到底是甚麼,所以每次都有一種拆禮物的心情!
I believe its well known about the beauty box concept. For Look Fantastics beauty box, you are able to receive a box of goodies for 15GBP. However, it is limited choice of beauty box in Hong Kong. Look Fantastics seems a good choice.
一早都已經心動,想去試試看…. 因為11月有GLAMGLOW EVELOM,  真的很燒所以就訂了12BEAUTY BOX 我的第一個BEAUTY BOX. 真的令人十分失望………….. 12月是聖誕節本以為BEAUTY BOX 會再送大禮但收到的PRODUCT 真的令人十分失望……
With Eve Lom & Glamglow in the November 2014 beauty box, I have super high expectation on coming month’s beauty box. Indeed, high expectation often lead to disappointment. The product in December 2014 beauty box has totally let me down. (I bet a large group of beauty guru shared the same feeling as there were massive of negative comments towards this month’s beauty box)

內容有: (the box contains)
  • Lord & Berry Polish Eye Pencil in Mirror Black.
  • Bourjois Little Round Pot Intense EYE Shadow 05.
  • Elemis Papaya Enzyme Peel 15ml
  • Macademia Healing Oil Infused Comb.
  • Pure Gold Collagen Drink.
  • Murad Essential-C Cleanser 45ml. 
  • Ole Henriksen’s Pure Truth Youth Activating Oil 15ml.

Bourjois Eyeshadow, 這個算是DRUG STORE 品牌放在BEAUTY BOX 真的頗令人失望而且我見外國BLOGGER 收到的是palette,我只收到一粒EYE SHADOW, 更失望……..
First of all, I would not expect a beauty box would include a drug store brand unless the product is newly launched. In this case, the Bourjios eye shadow is NOT newly launched. From the overseas bloggers, they received beauty box with a trio while I only received a single eye shadow. This made me a bit upset.
令人感到莫名其妙的是Pure Gold Collagen飲品….飲一枝又不會見效而且收到後我都猶疑了幾天才飲因為我怕連送途中已變壊….. 整個box 入面令人感到比較欣喜的只有Murad Essential-C Cleanser Ole Henriksen’s ! 只因我本來都有興趣試這兩個品牌.
Another weird part is the golden collagen drink. I would not able to see any visible result from just one dosage. In addition, I also wonder the product quality after its long delivery journey. Murad Essential-C Cleanser and Ole Henriksen’s are the brands that I wanted to try.
假如大家有興趣訂可以自行上look fantastics 網站買 (一個box15 英鎊.) 可以碰碰運氣~!
Overall, if you would like to try the beauty box and experience the unboxing excitement, you can order the beauty box via its official website!

Click below for the beauty box mini review
[ MINI REVIEW 短評] Look Fantastic 美妝盒 - 2015.02