to Sephora 100 points perk, I got this deluxe sample of Kate Somerville –
Exfolikate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment. I quite love these deluxe sample as
you can use it up to 4, 5 times. It gives you enough product to try thus to
determine if you like this product or not.
官網說明的使用方法: 每星期使用一至兩次,早或晚皆可。先潔淨面部,在仍然濕潤時均勻地薄塗一層,以打圈手勢按摩30秒,然後靜待2分鐘,再用暖水洗淨,並輕輕拍乾便可。 請注意:本品可促進血液循環,因此可能會引致皮膚短暫變紅。敏感皮膚的敷面時間可減為1分鐘,或改用絲麗磨砂系列的溫和磨砂護理。
to Use (by official website): AM or PM. Use once or twice a week. Apply a thin,
even layer to a clean, wet face, massaging in a circular motion for 30 seconds.
Leave on for up to 2 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and gently pat dry. PRECAUTIONS:
This product increases circulation, which may cause the skin to flush slightly
for a short time. For sensitive skin, leave on for less than one minute, or use
ExfoliKate Gentle instead.
一擠出來,有點嚇倒. 因為沒有想過這個磨砂會是青綠色~! 氣味都OK, 沒有很強烈的香味. 我覺得磨砂粒子尺寸恰當, 而且質地易推. 這個雖說是深層磨砂護理, 但用後沒有繃緊, 而且磨砂粒子沒有令我覺得太abrasive. 不得了的是, 用了這個之後, 鼻頭,鼻翼的黑頭粉刺都冒出來, say hello!!!! (好可怕……) 之後, 當然是順勢清黑頭粉刺! WOW~! 整個感覺好爽!!! 我皮膚不算十分敏感, 敷了大約2分鐘都沒有不良反應. 不過, 如果擔心,先由敷1分鐘開始吧~! Overall, 對這個產品很滿意, 不過, 知道價位不太親民 (大約HK$600 / 60ML). 還是用完這個SAMPLE 再算吧~!
first, I was scared by this funky green product. It does not contain much
fragrance. I love the size of scrubbing beads, and the texture is easy to
blend. Although it is “Intensive Exfoliating Treatment”, it is not abrasive nor
drying. After using the products, lots of my black heads on around my nose
started to coming out. It is pretty AMAZING ( and scary )! I believe this treatment
helps pulling the dirty stuff out of your pores! My skin is not that sensitive,
and I did not have any side effect after leaving the product on my face for 2
minutes. If you have concern, try to leave it on your face for 1 minutes first.
Overall, I am pretty satisfy with this products. However this is not an
affordable brand ( approx. HK$600 / 60ml). But nevermind, I would still enjoy
this sample and see how things go!
you would like to check out the Kate Somerville product, please click here KateSomerville Official Website.